Page 52 - Summer2009
P. 52

SHUFHQW RI WKH ZRUOG SRSXODWLRQ DUH GH¿FLHQW  why some people need much higher levels of
                              in inorganic, non-radioactive iodine; that is, they  iodine than those found in traditional diets. Dr.
                              KDYH QRW UHDFKHG ZKROH ERG\ VXI¿HFLQH\ IRU WKDW  Brownstein is to be credited with alerting the
                              essential element.” 32                     public to the dangers of bromides increasingly
                                  However, a published analysis of iodine in-  used in processed foods, sodas, vegetable oils,
                              WDNH LQ -DSDQ IRXQG D UDQJH RI         PFJ SHU  breads and even replacing iodine in teat washes
                              day,  and Weston Price found healthy peoples  for dairy cows, as well as in thousands of con-
                              consuming iodine amounts in the lower end of  sumer products.
                              this range. Furthermore, without seaweed, it     The Abraham protocol does carry a risk of
                              ZRXOG EH YHU\ GLI¿FXOW WR H[FHHG       PFJ SHU  adverse reactions and should be carried out under
                              day, based on values found in typical traditional  the supervision of a physician with experience in
                              IRRGV  VHH FKDUW  SDJH      )RU H[DPSOH  RQH  using it. As these physicians point out, consum-
                              PHDO RI FRG  RQH PHDO RI VKHOO¿VK LQFOXGLQJ WKH  ing iodine in milligram doses should be coupled
                              20 grams of the hepatopancreas, and one meal  with a complete nutritional program that includes
                              of mussels, plus additional meat, vegetables and  adequate amounts of selenium and magnesium,
                              legumes would supply about 1,000 mcg iodine;  and, they claim, omega-3 fatty acids, and with
                              diets based on meat, even organ meats, would  careful supervision of detoxing reactions. Ac-
                              supply considerably less.                  cording to Dr. Brownstein, chloride increases
                                  The late distinguished researcher Emmanual  renal clearance of bromide and the use of salt or
                              Cheraskin and his colleagues conducted a survey  ammonium chloride shortens the time required
                              of reported total number of clinical symptoms  IRU EURPLGH GHWR[L¿FDWLRQ  +H UHFRPPHQGV RUDO
                              and signs (as judged from the Cornell Medical  administration of sodium chloride (6-10 gm per
                              Index Health Questionnaire) and correlated  day) or intravenous sodium chloride for increas-
                              WKH ¿QGLQJV ZLWK DYHUDJH LRGLQH FRQVXPSWLRQ   ing the renal clearance of bromide. 31
                              An intake of approximately 1,000 mcg per day     Dr. Gaby’s call for a careful study should
                              correlated with the lowest number of reported  not be ignored. Not every physician reports the
                              symptoms, that is, the highest level of health.     sterling results described by doctors using the
                                  Abraham and Brownstein argue that the  Abraham protocol, and some individuals—in-
                              KXPDQ LRGLQH UHTXLUHPHQW LV       PFJ SHU GD\  cluding this author—have experienced adverse
                                   PJ   ZKLFK LV GLI¿FXOW WR DFKLHYH ZLWKRXW  reactions to Lugol’s solution. The study should
                              using seaweed, iodized salt or supplementation.  include a control group and groups using other
                              They argue that because of widespread bromide  iodine therapies, such as tincture of iodine on
                              DQG ÀXRULGH WR[LFLW\  PRVW SHRSOH WRGD\ UHTXLUH  the skin, the atomidine protocol or even oral
                              EHWZHHQ   DQG    PJ SHU GD\  DPRXQWV RQO\  supplementation with elemental iodine rather
                 Without      possible with supplementation; they do note that  than the iodine/potassium iodine combination.
             seaweed, it      such supplementation should only be taken under  Comparison of the iodine-load urine test with the
                              the supervision of a physician to monitor iodine  blood test for iodine status in relation to various
               would be       status.                                    V\PSWRPV RI WK\URLG GH¿FLHQF\ LV DQRWKHU DUHD

           very difficult         We cannot ignore the many reports of  begging for further research. Studies involving
               to exceed      improved health using various types of iodine  even a small number of individuals would be
                              supplementation—whether through tincture of  helpful in providing further answers to the great
              1,000 mcg       iodine on the skin, the atomidine protocol rec-  iodine debate.
                 per day,     ommended by Edgar Cayce or use of iodine/po-

               based on       tassium iodide compounds as proposed by Drs.
                              Abraham and Brownstein. Increased exposure
           values found       WR JRLWURJHQLF PHUFXU\  EURPLGHV DQG ÀXRULGH
                in typical    compounds, and soy products ubiquitous in the
              traditional     food supply, coupled with declining levels of
                              thyroid-supporting nutrients such as selenium
                    foods.    and vitamin A in modern diets, may explain
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