Page 109 - Summer2015
P. 109
The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
100% Grass-fed Beef, Pasture-raised pork, 100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef. On pas- Employment Opportunities
chicken, eggs. All meat is GMO-free with no ture year-round at the family ranch in Goshen
added hormones or antibiotics. Beef quarters County. Production practices detailed on our WAPF Inspired Fine Dining Restaurant Now
and whole hogs available, as well as retail cuts. website. Custom beef, Cheyenne farmers Recruiting Talent. Farmageddon filmmaker,
On farm sales: Peaceful Valley Farm, 2019 State markets, and local delivery. (307) 534-2289, Kristin Canty is hiring talent for her new
Route 17, Millerstown PA 17062. No Sunday venture, Woods Hill Table, a traditional foods
calls: (717) 444-0022 restaurant in her home town of Concord, MA.
Crafts To our knowledge, this is the first-ever WAPF
Fresh grass-fed raw milk, cream, butter, yogurt inspired fine dining restaurant. From frying in
& cheese - veal, soy-free poultry, free-range Beautiful crafts by local artists. Keep your beef tallow, soaking grains, and raw fermented
eggs, grass-fed beef and lamb. Frozen meats gift-giving dollars in the USA. Alpaca blankets, foods to serving kombucha flavor of the day
also available. We will ship. You are welcome socks and yarn; hand painted decorations, on tap, Kristin is implementing the WAPF
to stop in or give us a call. Mark & MaryAnn paintings by award-winning ar tist Megan dietary guidelines and changing restaurant
Nolt (717) 776-3417. Pisciotta Greene; handmade quilts. Exclusive history. If you’d like to be a part of this excit-
ing culinary project, her Concord Restaurant
Creswick Farms. Dedicated to raising healthy, source of Nourishing Traditions posters. Satur- Group is look ing for a ser vice manager,
happy animals—lovingly cared for just as day farm tours. Store open Thurs-Sat 10-6 or servers, reservationists, chefs and line cooks.
Mother Nature intended—which provide by appointment. P A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701 Contact K 24
high-energy, nutritious and delicious food Doctor Bowen Road, Brandywine, MD. (301) Commonwealth Ave, Concord, MA, 01742
sources for health-conscious individuals. No 579-2727,, jobs@woodshilltable.
antibiotics, steroids or GMOs ever fed to our com, (978) 369-6300.
animals! (616) 837-9226, Dvds
SALES REP WANTED for award-winning Vita-
Grass-fed organic raw milk and dairy food: DVD “Nourishing O ur Children” recently Clay® products ( Are you a
100% grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured launched a DVD that may be used for one’s passionate cook and familiar with Nourishing
pork, chicken and turkey, wild Alaskan salmon, self-education or to present to an audience. Traditions? Share VitaClay's ancient cooking
fermented vegetables, raw honey, maple You will learn how to nourish rather than secret—unglazed clay and earn up to $2K
syrup and more. Long Island drop. Paradise merely feed your family. nourishingourchil- to $20K monthly. Please e-mail resume to
Pastures, Paradise, PA (717) 687-8576. Free shipping!, or text to (408)
Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys, Share your passion for food with friends and
made on our family farm with Celtic sea salt. family! The Diet for Human Beings affirms our
No grain feed. Also grass-fed beef and pas- human requirement for fats, with less empha- Healing Arts
tured chickens, turkeys and eggs. All soy-free, sis on starchy carbs. “An Hour To Watch – 30
no hormones or synthetics. On-farm sales, will Days To Try – Your Life Will Never Be The Same” Healing Through Food, Gardening, Herbs &
ship cheese. Wil-Ar Farm, Newville, PA (717) Ceremony June 26-28, 2015, with Michelle
776-6552. Vesser, Occidental Arts and Ecology Center.
Explore in our beautiful Gardens; Food as
Wentworth Dairy. Grass-fed raw milk, raw Employment Opportunities Medicine, Medicinal Herbs, Practical/Spiritual
milk cheese, free-range eggs, pastured pork, Gardening, and the work of Weston A. Price
grass-fed beef. We are located 8 miles from, (707) 874-1557
MD state line. Family farm, all natural grass- Pasture-based beef farm in beautiful Essex, NY
based, Ayrshire and Jersey cows. Rob & Bonnie seeks farm manager, herdsman. Family man/ Integrative Diagnosis (ID) was developed by
Wentworth, 1026 River Road, Quarryville, PA woman/couple with young children preferred. John Kozinski MEA to help you understand
17566, (717) 548-3896. Good housing, salary, benefits. Enthusiam, your overall health condition so traditional
passion and willingness to work hard more
VA important than extensive experience. Contact foods can be used for your healing or health
Cow/Herd shares available, with Member in Mr. Lewis at (518) 963-4206, maintenance needs. For ID Classes or a Health
Local Kine (M.I.L.K.) Project in Fauquier County Consultation call: 413-623-5925 macrobiotic.
at Western View Farm, 2028 Laws Ford Rd., com.
Catlett, VA 20119. For information call Martha STOOL DONOR WANTED - Seeking healthy
Bender (540) 788-9663. stool donor for a fecal transplant procedure
The greatest fine art of the future
Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar will be the making (1X/day, 10 days). Ideal donor: raised on WAP-
beef, pigaerator pork, pastured chickens, type diet, no antibiotics, and at least 13-years-
turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits. of a comfortable living old. Will travel & compensate the donor for
Near Staunton. Some delivery available. Call from a small piece of land. their time. Contact:
(540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions 109
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