Page 111 - Summer2015
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                      Services                                   Pasture-Raised Products

          Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
          creates Safe Havens in a toxic electromagnetic
          world. We measure your EMF risk levels and
          provide solutions. Dirty Electricity, Magnetic
          & Electric Fields, Microwave Radiation, Body
          Voltage. Eric Windheim, BA, EMRS www.Wind-


          SCHOOL, 6120 Cutler Lake Road, Blue Rock,
          Ohio, 43720. (740) 674-4555 We welcome you
          by reservation and deposit, on-farm lodging,
          over night, weekend or week. Private quarters/
          equipped kitchen. Also available on the farm:
          grass-fed beef, chicken, lamb, duck and free-
          range eggs and pet lodging. (740) 297-3021,
          (740) 704-8184.

          Sunset Ridge VACATION HOME - Want to
          travel but also want to eat nutrient-dense
          foods while you do? A WAPF chapter leader
          will stock your pantry with raw milk, grass-
          fed pastured beef, chicken, eggs and organic
          vegetables for market price with a 3-day stay.
          Enjoy all the amenities of the Yankton Lewis &
          Clark Lake (bike trail, archery range, boating,
          fishing, golf and best of all...solitude! This 4+
          bedroom furnished luxury vacation home has                                 If people let government decide
          a spectacular lake view, screened porch, DSS,                              what foods they eat and what
          Fireplace, full kitchen and double garage. Many                            medicines they take, their bodies
          of our guests come annually; frequently we                                 will soon be in as sorry a state as
          host three generational family get-togethers.                              are the souls of those who live
          Email or call for details: yanktonsunsetridge.                             under tyranny.
          com or (605) 661-6726.                                                            Thomas Jefferson

                 WAPF RESEARCH

          STUDY ON HEALTHY BABIES: Johanna M. Keefe,
          MS, MA, AHN-BC, RN, GAPs, certfied as an Ad-
          vanced Holistic Nurse, is seeking volunteers
          for a PhD research project in Transformative
          Studies through CIIS (California Institute for
          Integral Studies). If you have had a healthy
          baby using the WAPF dietary guidelines, she
          would like to hear from you. She would like
          to interview you by Skype or Facetime, or in
          person if you are located in New England,
          Northern California or North Carolina—or at
          the annual conference in Novemember. Con-
          tact: johanna@enhancedwellnessbythesea.
          com, (978) 290-0266.

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