Page 89 - Summer2015
P. 89

A Campaign for Real Milk

                           THE JOHNS HOPKINS RAW MILK STUDY
                    Prepared by the Weston A. Price Foundation

              Two years ago, after testimony regarding a  illnesses attributed to milk, while the remainder
          bill to legalize the sale of raw milk in Maryland,  could be attributed to pasteurized dairy products.
          the House of Delegates’ Health and Government  Even though they found that almost twice as
          Operations Committee called for a study of raw  many illnesses were attributed to pasteurized
          milk from Johns Hopkins University.       dairy products as were attributed to raw dairy
              The report was published in December 14,  products, they argued that, since fewer than 1
          2014, and it concluded that “the relative risk of  percent of dairy products are sold as raw dairy
          individual illness is almost one hundred fifty  products, then on a per serving basis, raw dairy
          times greater per unit of nonpasteurized dairy  products are almost one hundred fifty times more
          product, compared to pasteurized.”  Widely  dangerous than pasteurized dairy products.
          circulated in the media, this figure gave the     There are three principal flaws with this
          Committee the rationale it needed to cease any  analysis: the first is in the time frame considered;
          further investigation of raw milk legislation.  the second is the question being asked; the third
              Since the Johns Hopkins paper is a review  is in the unreasonable confidence given to the
          of existing evidence rather than a presentation  answer.
          of any new evidence, it does not contain any                                          A Campaign
          important information that we have not already  LIMITED TIMEFRAME                     for Real Milk
          critiqued. Nevertheless, since it repeats past     The Langer analysis limited its time frame   is a project of
          claims that raw milk is far more dangerous than  to the years between 1993 and 2006. By selecting   the Weston A.
          pasteurized milk, we find it necessary to reiterate  such a narrow time period, the data become dis-  Price
          some of our previous criticisms and add several  torted. For example, these data do not include the
          comments.                                 nation's largest outbreak of salmonella in its his-  Foundation.
                                                    tory: in 1985, a multistate outbreak of salmonella   To obtain
          NO STATISTICAL DIFFERENCE                 was traced to pasteurized milk from a Chicago   some of our
              The claim that “the relative risk of indi-  milk plant. This resulted in over sixteen thousand   informative
          vidual illness is almost one hundred fifty times  confirmed cases, and the investigators estimated   Real Milk
          greater per unit of non-pasteurized dairy product,  that between one hundred fifty thousand and two   brochures,
          compared to pasteurized” is the one we wish to  hundred thousand people were sickened. 4
          address. It is derived from an analysis published     Because industrialized milk is produced   contact the
          by Langer and colleagues in 2012.  We previ-  on such a large scale, small improvements to   Foundation at
          ously have criticized this analysis,  noting that  the system can have large effects, while small   (202)
          the researchers found no statistical difference in  things that go wrong can have horrifying conse-  363-4394.
          the rate of illness (as opposed to the number of  quences on a massive scale, as in the case of the   Check out our
          “outbreaks”) attributed to raw milk or products  1985 outbreak. We would expect illnesses due to
          produced from raw milk compared to those pro-  small-scale milk production to be more frequent   website,
          duced from pasteurized milk. We would like to  yet far smaller in consequence. By contrast, we
          take this opportunity to make several additional  would expect illnesses due to large-scale milk   for additional
          points, emphasizing the way this analysis is used  production to be less frequent yet massive in con-  information
          to support the conclusions of the more recent  sequence. To make a fair comparison, therefore,   and sources
          Johns Hopkins paper.                      we must use as large a span of data as possible, so
              The Langer analysis found that raw dairy  that we include the infrequent but large outbreaks   of Real Milk
          products accounted for 36 percent of individual  due to pasteurized milk.             products.
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