Page 86 - Summer2015
P. 86
The ISDS national courts will have the power to overrule designed for legitimate public objectives, such
tribunals national laws and judicial systems. as the protection of public health, safety and
the environment, the corporations will still be
ISDS provisions have admittedly been in-
operate cluded in some treaties for decades. The concept able to sue. "Buy Local" preferences, energy
largely in was developed due to concerns that third-world and environmental policy, financial regulations,
secret and countries did not have appropriate judicial pro- consumer labeling and more could be overturned
tections against their government’s appropriating by international courts in the name of corporate
do not meet land or equipment, placing first-world companies profits.
the same at risk if they entered into commerce in those In late May, the Senate approved a bill to
standards countries. These provisions were narrowly drawn “fast track” trade agreements such as the TPP.
and very rarely did any company take advantage Fast Track would allow trade agreements like
as our of them. Between 1960 and 1990, only about fifty the TPP to be approved by Congress with no
domestic cases total were brought under ISDS provisions amendments and essentially no debate. Not only
courts. during the entire three decades. But with the is this bad policy making, it's an abandonment
newest trade agreements, their use has exploded; of Congress' constitutional role in international
companies have brought about fifty ISDS cases agreements.
each year since 2011. Unfortunately, fast tracking international
The ISDS tribunals operate largely in se- trade agreements appears to be one of the few
cret and do not meet the same standards as our issues on which the Republican leadership agrees
domestic courts. For example, lawyers could with President Obama. However, some of the Tea
rotate between acting as judges in the tribunals Party members are allying with Democrats who
and acting as advocates for companies bringing oppose the deal. The Senate vote was much closer
suits in the tribunal! Such dual roles would be than predicted, raising hopes that we can in fact
deemed unethical in the American, and most stop Fast Track in the House. Please keep an eye
other, judicial systems. out for action alerts from WAPF and speak up
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86 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2015 Wise Traditions
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