Page 82 - Summer2015
P. 82

Monica's Real Food for the Modern World

                              REAL FOOD FOR REAL KIDS IN THE REAL WORLD
                                                    By Monica Ford

                                  Do you know a child in need of healing? If  Invest in a meal planning service. I love the af-
                              so, you might know a parent whose perpetually  fordable and realistic service at
                              muttered mantra is “Calgon, take me away.” It’s a  You can find a plan that works for your family.
                              very busy world. Modern life has become packed
                              with extra-curriculars in the guise of obligations     2. Batch Cooking. Never make a dish for
                              that it can seem like cooking meals from scratch  one meal when you can make it for five. This is
                              is a far-off fantasy.                      life-changing! Once you fully incorporate batch
                                  So when we prioritize our family’s health  cooking into your life, you will not need to cook
                              carving out time to make nourishing foods for  every day. As part of your planning, designate a
                              our loved ones, it’s a big deal. It requires precious  day, half of a day or even 2 hours to batch cook.
                              resources of time, energy, money, patience and  Ease into it. If you do this once a week or even
                              love. And for many parents, it’s also a risk. Will  twice a month, you will create more free time to
                              your family eat the food of our wise ancestors?  spend with family!
                              Will your child open her lunchbox at school and     What might a half day of batch cooking look
                              be dubbed the weirdo?                      like?
                                  Some learned about a nutrient-rich, ancestral   •  Shop for the ingredients on an earlier day so
                              cuisine early enough to train their children’s   that you won’t start cooking with less energy.
                              palates to love pâté and sauerkraut. Others must   •  Pop a pork roast in the slow cooker for din-
                              re-train their child’s palate. Your children may be   ner tonight and pulled pork tacos later in the
                              prone to strong opinions about food or may want   week. Got two crock pots and a place to store
                              to eat food that looks like their friends' food.  the meat? Make two!
                                  Kids are resilient and I’m not saying “weird”   •  Start a large batch of soup to be portioned
                              is by definition bad. But sometimes, it’s nice not   out and frozen. Don’t be afraid of a twelve to
                              to have to explain your lunch and even to have a   twenty quart stock pot. If you can store the
                              lunch that the other kids might want. Sometimes,   frozen soup, it will be a welcome dinner later.
            Modern life       it’s nice to fit in…just a little.          •  Make a batch of jello for school lunches.
            has become                                                    •  Make pickles.

              so packed       FOOD CAN BE KID-COOL
                                                                            3. Community. Do you long for adult con-
                                  Food can be delicious, nutrient-rich and
             with extra-        kid-cool at the same time! And it can look like  versation but don’t have the time? Schedule a day
           curriculars in     the food all the other kids are noshing! The prep  to batch cook with like-minded friends! People
            the guise of      doesn’t have to be complicated or time-intensive.  used to have naturally occurring community
                                  Transforming traditional food wisdom into  built around food. That can exist in our modern

              obligations     yummy kiddo meals is not only a huge boon for  world too, if we create it. There are other parents
              that it can     kids but for parents too. Check out my real-world  in your community who are struggling with the
               seem like      tips for making good food for your family:  constraints of modern life and health just as you
            cooking our           1. Make Your Plan. Planning is the corner-  are. Find them and invite them to batch cook.
                                                                         Imagine batch cooking with another who makes
             meals from       stone of low-stress meal preparation. I encour-  something different and you share the bounty.
             scratch is a     age you to start by planning a few major meals  What if there are three or four batch cookers
         far-off fantasy.     in your week—like your children’s lunches or  together? You can even cook separately at home
                              weekday dinners. Don’t know where to start?  but share the fruits of your labor.
         82                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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