Page 80 - Summer2015
P. 80

Tim's DVD Reviews

                              Trace Amounts: Autism, Mercury,            claim that the science is settled and there is no
                              and the Hidden Truth                       danger involved. Nothing else has been identified
                              Eric Gladen                                that explains all those associated factors.
                              Faze Films Production                         The video shows a brief scene which goes by
                                                                         quickly and the people in it are not clearly identi-
                                  Autism affected one in ten thousand children  fied but I believe it was Matt Lauer interviewing
                              in the United States up through the 1980s. In the  a doctor on the subject of vaccines. He is barely
                              1990s it jumped to one in five hundred. In 2000  able to make a point about the controversy sur-
                              it was one in two hundred fifty. In 2007 it was  rounding vaccines before she starts babbling ir-
                              one in one hundred fifty. In 2014 it was one in  rationally that there is no controversy. Mr. Lauer
                              sixty-eight. Some might consider this trend wor-  is somewhat incredulous as he tries to point out
                              risome.                                    they are, as they speak, arguing. How is that not
                                  Eric Gladen, the producer of this video, gives  controversy? But no, she insists there is no con-
                              viewers a tour of the disease from his first-hand  troversy. Either she doesn’t understand what that
                              experience. He rather suddenly developed symp-  word means or she has her head so deeply buried
                              toms of autism just after receiving a tetanus shot.  in the sand (or money) that she can’t hear him.
                              This is unusual for a twenty-nine-year-old man.  Medical authorities like her will warn pregnant
                              He set out to study what happened to him. After  women against eating fish while urging them to
                              spending some time he came up with a number  get that flu shot.
                              of factors that all pointed to one thing: mercury.     We also see leading vaccine pusher Paul
                                  It was shortly after thimerosol (a preserva-  Offit’s smug little face making equally irrational
                              tive containing mercury) was invented that the  noise. He demonstrates his complete ignorance of
                              first official case of autism was documented.  what conflict of interest means when he claims
                              Eric’s case came just after a mercury-laden teta-  to have none. He claims the increase in autism is
                              nus shot. With a mercury detox protocol he was  due to better diagnosis but that doesn’t explain
                              able to recover, but then suffered a relapse after  where all the thirty- to forty-year-old adults with
                              exposure to broken fluorescent light bulbs (which  autism are hiding. He refers to a study by William
                              contain mercury). The sudden rise in autism  Thompson of the CDC as definitively establish-
                              cases in the 1990s occurred just as the vaccine  ing the safety of vaccines. In fact, that study
                              schedule was greatly expanded to include more  explicitly excluded autism from consideration.
                              vaccines and the mercury that goes with them.      Gladen makes it clear that this is not a movie
                                  There are at least two notable groups in the  about vaccines but about mercury. He makes the
                              United States that seem to be largely autism-  point that mercury is only used as a preservative
                              free: the Amish and a group of many thousands  and not functionally necessary for a vaccine.
                 Vaccine      of homeschooled children. Both groups forego  It is the cheapest option, which tells you what
         manufacturers        vaccines. Boys are several times more likely to  mercury in vaccines is really about. It’s not the
                              be autistic than girls. Studies show that mercury  greater good but the greater greed. Much more
            are inspired      combined with testosterone is much more toxic.  could be said about vaccines but that is beyond
              not by the      Other studies have shown that some people have  the scope of this movie and this review. Thumbs
           greater good       higher glutathione levels than others. Those with  UP.
                              the higher levels are less likely to be autistic.
              but by the          One might argue that this is all circumstan-

         greater greed.       tial evidence. Perhaps so, but there is enough of
                              this evidence to make it impossible to justify the
         80                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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