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                            All Thumbs Book Reviews Reviews

         ample. The chapter begins by explaining why eggs are a very healthy  in-between meal hunger should be satisfied with
         food and asks the children where their eggs come from. Then the authors  healthy snacks—and this chapter provides many
         introduce the idea that healthy eggs come from healthy chickens who en-  delicious and nutritious snack recipes for nuts
         joy the same things as healthy children: sunlight, fresh air, exercise, and  and seeds, vegetables, dips, homemade chips,
         healthy food. (All beautifully illustrated by Eisenbart.) Other food chapters  popcorn, crackers, fruits and even Popsicles.
         begin similarly—introducing the children to the food, explaining why it’s  Parents who bemoan the lack of healthy snacks
         a healthy food group, and giving suggestions of what to look for to get the  that appeal to children need look no further.
         best quality.                                                      Though we won’t go in-depth, I would be
             The egg chapter rounds out with delightfully illustrated recipes laid  remiss if I didn’t point out the amazing traditional
         out in simple numbered steps. (I find the simple, illustrated recipe layout  cooking education that’s contained within the
         to be the best feature of this book—children will be able to follow along  pages of The Nourishing Traditions Cookbook
         easily and with much enjoyment.) Recipes in the Incredible Eggs! chapter  for Children. If you want to introduce your chil-
         include Mexican scrambled eggs, hard and soft boiled eggs, deviled eggs,  dren to nutrient-dense staples of the traditional
         egg-dipped French toast, pizza omelet and eggnog. The authors chose the  food lifestyle such as raw milk and cultured
         recipes well. Think of your children grown up. If they know how to cook  dairy; ferments; broth-based soups; pastured
         eggs in all the ways this book teaches, they’ll be perfectly ready to prepare  meats; traditional grain preparation methods
         any essential egg dish for their own future families.           such as soaking, sprouting, and sourdough; and
             This review can’t cover every cooking chapter, so I will choose two  naturally- and low-sweetened desserts, this book
         more favorites. First, Vibrant Vegetables!. Glancing through the recipes—  is the perfect vehicle to help kids discover tradi-
         after reviewing the “why” behind vegetables’ color and nutrition—you  tional cooking—and to begin a life-long devotion
         can’t help but notice the appealing titles, bound to make kids super inter-  to the delicious, healthy food they’ll create.
         ested in eating what they prepare: Carrot Coins, Bright Broccoli, or As-  About the reviewer: Wardeh (Wardee) Harmon is the lead
         paragus Brushes, for example. The chapter includes recipes for dressings   blogger and teacher at Traditional Cooking School by GNOW-
         and sauces.                                                     FGLINS. She is the author of numerous traditional cooking
             Last, I want to show you inside the Super Snacks! chapter. The authors   eBooks as well as “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting
                                                                         Foods” which received a thumbs-up review in the Wise Tradi-
         point out that growing bodies need lots of vitamins, minerals, healthy fat,   tions Journal of July 2012. More info about Traditional Cooking
         protein and other nutrients. Besides healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner,   School is available at:

                                                    VACCINE EPIDEMIC
                                        Louise Kuo Habakus, MA and Mary Holland, JD

               Subtitled "How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our
           Health and Our Children," Vaccine Epidemic makes important contributions to the vaccine controversy. Short and very
           readable chapters cover a range of topics including our legal rights to refuse vaccinations, the need for more research on
           vaccine side effects, several moving stories of vaccine injuries, vaccine adjuvants and the pharmaceutical industry.
               Outstanding among the essays is "The Vaccine Bubble and the Pharmaceutical Industry," by investment analyst Mi-
           chael Belkin, whose daughter died after administration of the hepatitis B vaccine five weeks after birth. His FOIA request
           for safety data on the HepB vaccine has never received a reply.
               Belkin concludes that vaccine manufacture and promotion is a pseudo-science, used to expand the vaccine mar-
           ket as the drug companies face the impact of one hundred forty billion dollars that will be lost when blockbuster drug
           patents expire. Expansion of the vaccine market is the industry strategy for filling this gap. Belkin demonstrates how the
           whole phenomenon is a bubble—promoted with using intimidation and fear, but a bubble that will pop nevertheless.
           He believes that post-bubble forces will unleash a massive reform and bring the perpetrators of this vaccine bubble and
           the epidemic of neurological damage to justice. It can't happen too soon!
               Other chapters by James Turner, JD, Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, Andrew Wakefield, MD, BS, FRCS, FRCPath,
           and many others with lots of initials behind their names, are equally compelling. This is an important book, one that can
           be used to educate those who are undecided on the issue of vaccines. Thumbs UP.     Review by Sally Fallon Morell
         78                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2015                                                                 Wise Traditions

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