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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

         CA                                 CSA Shares Shipped to your Doorstep! - A   OH
         Desert Farms - Camel Milk | Nature's most   Taste of Southern Maryland will ship CSA   Sugartree Ridge Grassfed. Openings in a
         wholesome dairy beverage! Order online at   shares to the doorsteps of all members. Join   100% grassfed herdshare with nine delivery or call (310) 430-2096 to   today and receive farm fresh produce and   sites in the Cincinnati area. No grain, no silage.
         place your order. $20 special discount on ALL   value-added products on a weekly basis. All  Sixteen cows (cross between Jersies, Guern-
         orders use discount code: WAPF.    Come to our peaceful family farm—your   seys, Brown Swiss and British White) grazed
                                            source for premium pasture-raised chicken,   year-round on sixty acres rotating through
         CO                                 turkey, eggs, 100% grass-fed lamb, and raw   thirty paddocks (which are allowed to grow
         Meadow Maid Foods, 100% grass-fed, grass-  honey! Poultry fed organic feed. Less than 1   for sixty days between grazings and are
         finished beef. On pasture year-round at the   hour from DC metro area in southern Fred-  spread with organic, Albrecht-based mineral
         family ranch in WY. Production practices   erick County, MD.   supplements). Nutrient-dense milk, family-
         detailed on our website.  Custom beef, Farm-  (301) 874-6181.        friendly farming and holistic stewardship.
         ers markets, and food co-op in Fort Collins.                         6851 Fair Ridge Road, Hillsboro, OH 45133, (307) 534-2289. is a better way to eat. Our   or Cincinnati area: Bill & Marylou Wilson (513)
                                            Farms. Your Family. Free Delivery in 48 States.   625-0197.
         FL                                 Offering select meat bundles like Grass-fed
         100% grass-fed dairy and beef. Soy-free                              OR
         woodland pork. Soy-frree pastured broilers   Beef, Wagyu Beef, Salmon, Free-range Pork
         and eggs, fermented foods, info@marando-  and Chicken. A new way to connect you to    Grass-based biodynamic raw milk dairy offer-                         the farm that raised your meat.   ing Jersey Hi-creamline milk, cream, golden
                                                                              butter, cottage cheese and aged cheeses.
         MA                                 MI                                Soy-free veal and pork seasonally. On farm
         Many Hands Organic Farm in Barre, MA  Creswick Farms. Dedicated to raising healthy,   sales and membership club. Can ship. Sherry
         Certified organic grass-fed lard, tallow,   happy animals—lovingly cared for just as   and Walt (541) 267-0699.
         pork stock, chicken stock, beef stock, pork,   Mother Nature intended—which provide
         chicken, turkey, beef and 22 weeks CSA. www.  high-energy, nutritious and delicious food   PA;; (978)355-2853.  sources for health-conscious individuals. No   Bareville Creamery 100% grass-fed. We offer
                                            antibiotics, steroids or GMOs ever fed to our   raw traditionally cultured butter from our
         MD                                 animals! (616) 837-9226,  grass-fed cows. We will ship to you or visit our
         100% soy-free chicken, eggs, pork and beef.                          farm to pick up. Daniel & Katie Zook, Leola, PA
         Chicken livers, chicken feet and heads. Ba-  MN                      (717) 656-4422.
         con and sausage. Raw pet milk. Raw milk   Farm On Wheels offers animals raised green
         Blue and Cheddar cheese by cheesemaker   grass-fed & certified organic. Nutrient-dense   Grass-fed lamb, pastured Tamworth pork
         Sally Fallon Morell. Will ship whole cheese   beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, turkey, goose, duck,   & piglets, pastured chicken, honey, Sheep
         wheels. Southern Maryland, within 1 hour   and pork, No corn or soy. Farmers Market   Camp, farm tours, Adopt-A-Sheep & more.
                                            year around in St. Paul, Prior Lake, Northfield.
         of downtown Annapolis and Washington,   Linda (507) 789-6679,,   Visit Owens Farm Sunbury, PA, owensfarm.
         DC. Saturday farm tours. Store open Thurs-  com (570) 286-5309,
         day to Saturday 10-6 or by appointment. P.
         A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701 Doctor Bowen   MS                          We have raw butter from 100% grass-fed
         Road, Brandywine, MD. (301) 579-2727,   Nature’s Gourmet Farm raises nutrient dense   cows. We will ship or you stop by. Also non-              grass-fed beef, pastured pork, and pastured   GMO and soy-free pork. Henry and Fanny
                                            broilers. Animals are hormone, antibiotic,   Zook, Bethel, PA (717) 673-6365.
         Nick's Organic Farm. Grass fed beef (no grain   and GMO free! We service South Mississippi,   Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys,
         ever), free range eggs, pastured chicken   Alabama and Louisiana. For details and order
         & turkey. Liver, organ meats, & bones. Or-  information visit our website at www.natures-  made on our family farm with Celtic sea salt.
         ganic poultry feed. Pick up in Potomac or         No grain feed. Also grass-fed beef and pas-
                                                                              tured chickens, turkeys and eggs. All soy-free,
         Buckeystown. Our livestock are rotated to                            no hormones or synthetics. On-farm sales,
         fresh pastures on our fertile organic soils                          will ship cheese. Wil-Ar Farm, Newville, PA
         and receive organic feed, no hormones,
         antibiotics, or animal parts. We raise our                           (717) 776-6552.
         own hay, raise and grind our own grain into   If people let government decide   Raw milk for sale and hard cheese. Special-
         poultry feed and process our poultry. Quality   what foods they eat and what   izing in A2-A2 milk. Other dairy products
         Organic Products since 1979. (301) 983-2167   medicines they take, their bodies   also available through buying club. Also, free; www.nicks-  will soon be in as sorry a state as                     are the souls of those who live   range brown eggs, non-GMO chickens, and
                                                                              Thanksgiving turkeys. Located in central PA,
                                              under tyranny.                  1 mile off interstate 80. For more information
                                                     Thomas Jefferson         call (570) 726-4332 ext. 2.

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