Page 115 - summer2016
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
dedicated to Helping the consumer obtain nutrient-dense Foods and accurate nutrition information
Wentworth Dairy. Grass-fed raw milk, raw Dvds Employment Opportunities
milk cheese, free-range eggs, pastured pork,
grass-fed beef. We are located 8 miles from
MD state line. Family farm, all natural grass- Share your passion for food with friends WAPF-Inspired Fine Dinig Restaurant Now
based, Ayrshire and Jersey cows. Rob & Bon- and family! The Diet for Human Beings af- Recruiting Talent. Farmageddon filmmaker,
nie Wentworth, 1026 River Road, Quarryville, firms our human requirement for fats, with Kristin Canty is hiring talent for her naew
PA 17566, (717) 548-3896. less emphasis on starchy carbs. “An Hour To venture, Woods Hill Table, a traditional foods
Watch – 30 Days To Try – Your Life Will Never restaurant in her home town of Concord,
VA Be The Same” on MA. To our knowledge, this is the first-ever
Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar WAPF inspired fine dining restaurant. From
beef, pigaerator pork, pastured chickens, Employment Opportunities frying in beef tallow, soaking grains, and raw
turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits. fermented foods to serving kombucha flavor
Near Staunton. Some delivery available. Call A lovely, well appointed cottage, gardens, of the day on tap, Kristin is implementing
(540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194. pool, labyrinth and more awaits a motivated the WAPF dietary guidelines and changing
couple interested in sustainable healthy liv- restaurant history. If you’d like to be a part
WI ing and exploring New Zealand. See woof of this exciting culinary project, her Concord
All natural, grass-fed, to excite your taste website for how this works. Email Lyn at 1gar- Restaurant Group is looking for a service
buds, beef, pork, turkey, chickens and eggs; for more information. manager, servers, reservationists, chefs and
will ship. Located in the driftless area of line cooks. Contact Kristin@woodshilltable.
Wisconsin (608) Farm family or individual needed to help set com 24 Commonwealth Ave, Concord, MA,
553-0787 Email up and live on pristine 164 acre former raw 01742, jobs@woodshillt-
dairy farm and cheese making facility in SW, (978) 369-6300.
WY Washington state. If interested, please send
Meadow Maid Foods, 100% grass-fed, grass- email to with subject
finished beef. On pasture year-round at the line: "dairy farm". Healing Arts
family ranch in Goshen County. Production
practices detailed on our website. Custom HIRE STOOL DONOR- Child with autoim- Integrative Diagnosis (ID) was developed by
beef, Cheyenne farmers markets, and local mune disease needs fecal transplants. Donor John Kozinski MEA to help you understand
delivery. (307) 534-2289, meadowmaidfoods. WAP-type diet. Adult or child over 1 year. FTP your overall health condition so traditional
used successfully for son. (325) 261-8870 foods can be used for your healing or health
Crafts Per GI-doctor, maintenance needs. For ID Classes or a health
son needs to continue FTP for limited course. consultation call: (413) 623-5925 macrobiotic.
Beautiful crafts by local artists. Keep your gift- Prior donor moved overseas. com.
giving dollars in the USA. Alpaca blankets,
socks and yarn; hand painted decorations, Mesa Farm Market, located 12 miles from
paintings by award-winning artist David Capitol Reef National Park in central/south- Healthy Products
Zippi; handmade quilts. Exclusive source ern Utah, needs a farm manager. The current
of Nourishing Traditions posters. Saturday manager is retiring. This is a wonderful long- FLUORIDE FREE AMERICA: Mission: Enhancing
farm tours. Store open Thurs-Sat 10-6 or by term opportunity for a person or persons communication between individuals and
appointment. P. A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701 truly interested in a healthy and sustainable organizations to exchange information and
Doctor Bowen Road, Brandywine, MD. (301) lifestyle. Pastured goats, raw milk, cheese, create strategies to end water fluoridation.
579-2727, eggs, chickens, pigs, organic produce, *
orchard, fermentation, artisan sour dough FluorideFreeAmerica/waterliberty * 70% of
bread etc etc. Small market on site and other
Dvds business opportunities available. Infinite Americans are fluoridated. JOIN IN THE EF-
opportunities. For more information see FORT TO END FLUORIDATION - You have the
right to safe drinking water.
DVD “Nourishing Our Children” recently;
launched a DVD that may be used for one’s Mesa-Farm-Market/259163903354?ref=hl or
self-education or to present to an audience. mail us at KEFIR: Making kefir at home just got easier
You will learn how to nourish rather than with KEFIRKO! This innovative new tool from
Europe allows you to culture and strain your
merely feed your family. nourishingourchil- milk or water kefir grains with ease. And the Free shipping! community at KEFIRHOOD.COM will connect
the greatest fine art of the future you with others in your area who have kefir
will be the making grains to share! To learn more about KEFIRKO,
of a comfortable living visit
from a small piece of land.
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2016 Wise Traditions 115