Page 99 - summer2016
P. 99

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                      By Pete Kennedy, Esq.

                As demand for raw milk has increased,  discouraging legislators in other states from
            greater numbers of people in recent years have  voting for pending raw milk legislation; raw
            ignored the warnings of the U.S. Centers for  milk supporters were worried about the story
            Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the  killing bills they were working on.
            U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),     The problem was that none of the media
            state public health agencies and their lackeys  reporting on the illnesses had bothered to check
            in the mainstream media about the health risks  the evidence on the source of the outbreak.
            of consuming the product.                 If they had, they would have learned that the
                With more states legalizing raw milk sales  stomach flu was going through the legislature
            and raw milk access increasing, the opposition  and capitol city. Legislators who did not drink
            has resorted more to shoddy science, abandon-  the milk were getting sick, and some even be-
            ment of due diligence in investigations, and the  came ill before the celebration took place. One
            loss of whatever integrity it has left in trying to  delegate who did drink raw milk and was hos-
            blame foodborne illness on raw milk consump-  pitalized was told it was a stomach virus. About
            tion. Two great examples of this have occurred  a month after the media headlines blaring that   A Campaign
            in recent months regarding foodborne illness  raw milk caused an illness outbreak, the West   for Real Milk
            outbreaks allegedly caused by raw milk con-  Virginia Department of Health and Human Re-  is a project of
            sumption in West Virginia and a “multi-state”  sources issued a press release on its investigation   the Weston A.
            outbreak attributed to the consumption of raw  into the illnesses stating, “Three ill persons went
            milk products produced by the Pennsylvania-  to an urgent care or emergency room. Based on   Price
            based dairy Miller’s Organic Farm.        record review, three patients reported raw milk   Foundation.
                On March 3, 2016, West Virginia Governor  consumption. No ill persons required overnight   To obtain
            Earl Ray Tomblin signed into law a bill that le-  hospitalization. No milk was available for test-  some of our
            galized raw milk distribution through herdshare  ing. Because of the limitations of this investi-  informative
            agreements. The new law was a huge setback for  gation, no conclusions can be drawn about the
            the raw milk opposition; West Virginia previ-  extent of illness, etiologic agent, or the mode of   Real Milk
            ously had the most draconian laws in the country  transmission.”                    brochures,
            on the books, prohibiting the sales of raw milk     Kelli Sobonya of the West Virginia House of   contact the
            for both human and pet consumption as well  Delegates summed up the reaction to the media’s   Foundation at
            as banning herdshares. Shortly after Tomblin  behavior: “People I speak with are disappointed   (202)
            signed the bill, some West Virginia legislators  with the media doing a report on a rumor. Had   363-4394.
            celebrated by drinking raw milk; subsequently,  they dug deep enough they would have learned
            several of those legislators became sick and  of the numerous legislators who were victims   Check out our
            that’s when the media went into overdrive.  of the stomach virus. . . No wonder people are   website,
                Reports on the legislators’ illness were  tuning the news out and no longer tuning in.
            not only circulated around the state but also  Universities should start re-emphasizing re-  for additional
            nationally. Media such as The Today Show and  sponsible journalism in their curriculum.” 2  information
            MSNBC carried the story, describing the irony     Shortly after the unfounded accusations in
            of how legislators who had just voted to legalize  West Virginia, CDC set a new low for credibility   and sources
            a product were now sick from consumption of  by publishing a report claiming that Miller’s   of Real Milk
            it. The story was an effective propaganda tool  Organic Farm of Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania   products.
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