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Healthy Baby Gallery

                  Nathan was born in February, 2018 to WAPF parents Andrew
                       and Rashel, at home in a water birthing tub attended by
                     midwives and a doula. Nathan’s arrival brought such joy to
                  his parents and two older sisters. His journey began pre-preg-
                     nancy on a solid foundation of nutrient-dense, WAPF prin-
                     ciples and has continued during his first two years. Nathan
                    was a calm baby from the start and began sleeping through
                   the night by two months of age. He started first foods at five
                   months with egg yolks, liver, fermented veggies and raw milk
                     kefir smoothies. Trying to keep pace with his big sisters, he
                    even decided to start walking at nine months and talking at
                      one year! His favorite foods are scrambled eggs and pas-
                    tured meats. What a blessing this baby boy is to our family!

                                                       Harley Rose is a gorgeous toddler who is a pillar of beauty,
                                                       symmetry, physical strength and intelligence. Harley’s mom
                                                       began following a Weston-Price-style diet in early 2013. After
                                                       years of nutrient-loading before conception, Harley was born
                                                       in 2018. Foods included before, during and after pregnancy
                                                       and throughout lactation were cod liver oil, bone broth,
                                                       bone marrow, pastured meats, liver pâtés, wild-caught fish,
                                                       pastured duck and chicken eggs, fermented foods, organic
                                                       grains, coconut oil and cream-based sauces. Harley’s cur-
                                                       rent diet includes beef liver pâté, cod liver oil and grass-fed
                                                       milk and cream nearly every day. Favorite treats include pork
                                                       rinds, organic fruits and farmers market honey. Not even two
                                                       years old, Harley has mastered almost seven hundred words
                                                       and phrases and possesses skills and comprehension well
                                                       ahead of her age, with elementary comprehension in French
                                                       and Spanish as well. A happy and confident baby who seems
                                                       to have never hit the “terrible twos,” her parents are fasci-
                                                       nated watching her grow in health, beauty and brilliance.

                                                JOURNAL SALE
                             Purchase these issues for $5 until the end of summer

           Spring 14   Dr. Price’s Scientific Approach; Weston Price and the Fluoridationists; Cows and Climate; Economics of
                      Raw Milk.
           Fall 14    What Causes Heart Attacks? The Myogenic Theory of Heart Disease; Thrombi in Heart Disease.
           Spring 15   Cleansing Myths and Dangers; Toxicity and Chronic Illness; Gentle Detoxification; Great Nutrition
           Summer 17  Cholesterol Sulfate and the Heart; Vitamin D Dilemmas; Five Obstacles to Cure; The Adrenal-Heart
           Spring 18   Mercury Issue: Mercury as Anti-Nutrient; The Thimerosal Travesty; Poisoning Our Children; The Cutler
                      Order online or by phone (703) 820-3333

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