Page 116 - Summer2020final
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The Shop Heard ’Round the World
               Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

         of 100% grass-fed cows on our organically   poor sleep, and digestive issues? Nutritional     Employment Opportunities
         managed farms. Prices start at $5.25/lb. WE   balancing could make the difference.
         SHIP. Oberholtzer at Hilltop Meadow Farm.   Contact Moneca Dunham RN, BSN, RCPC   GRASS VALLEY DAIRY is seeking a motivated
         (570) 345-3305.                   website coordinator to manage online mar-
                                                                              keting of farm fresh food. Secluded log cabin
         100% grassfed organic A2A2 raw milk and   Healthy Products           house on 6 acre wooded lot ajoining farm
         dairy products plus beef, pastured soy-free                          available for rent to qualified party. Also
         pork, chicken, turkeys, eggs, beef and chick-  FLUORIDE FREE AMERICA Mission: Enhanc-  delivery driver wanted 2-3 days of week.
         en stock, fresh and fermented vegetables.   ing communication between individuals and   Call Mel at (610) 593 2811.
         Mount Tabor Farm. New Holland, PA (717)   organizations to exchange information and
         354-3753                           create strategies to end water fluoridation.   SUCCESSFUL RETIRING  FARMER
                                   *  SEEKING  PAID  APPRENTICE.  Rural  S.
         Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys,   FluorideFreeAmerica/waterliberty * 70%   Oregon  Cascades  100-ac.  forested/9-ac.
         made on our family farm with Celtic sea   of Americans are fluoridated. JOIN IN THE     pastured organic beef main operation. Very
         salt. No grain feed. Also grass-fed beef and     EFFORT TO END FLUORIDATION - You   established customer base. Seek mature,
         pastured chickens, turkeys and eggs.   have the right to safe drinking water.
         All soy-free, no hormones or synthetics.                             responsible, teachable person with desire/
         On-farm sales,  will ship cheese. Wil-Ar   TRADITIONAL HEALTH FIRST. Offering all   willingness to learn. Basic Ag/Husbandry is
         Farm, Newville, PA (717) 776-6552.   Green Pasture’s products including Blue Ice   necessary but the willingness to learn is most
                                            Fermented Cod Liver - Fermented Skate   important. Ongoing projects in construc-
         VA                                 Liver Oil - X Factor Gold High Vitamin But-  tion, soil/pasture management, agronomy,
         Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad     ter Oil both in liquid and capsules, Infused   large composting, husbandry, agriculture,
         bar  beef, pigaerator  pork, pastured     (with FCLO) Coconut Oil and Pure Indian   irrigation, gardening, forest management,
         chickens,  turkeys  and  eggs, and  forage-   Foods Ghee. Prescript Assist Probiotics, free   heavy equipment, mechanics, welding, etc.
         based rabbits. Near Staunton. Nationwide   shipping. Email or call for information about   We try to do it all here. Looking for a long-
         delivery available. Call (540) 885-3590,   shipping, referrals, auto resupply, and any   term potential partnership. Opportunity of                 general questions or information about these   a lifetime.
                                            superfood products. Visit THF on Facebook.
         Raw milk, cheese, butter, etc. from 100%   To order: email John@TraditionalHealthFirst.  Film
         grass-fed Jersey cows. 100% grass-fed beef   com or call John Delmolino, Amherst, MA.
         and lamb. Pastured pork, chicken and turkey   (413) 210-4445.        AUTOIMMUNE DOCUMENTARY in post
         (soy-free options available). Fermented veg-                         production seeks funding or investors. This
         gies and more! Have dropsites in select areas   Crafts & Clothing    film tells the stories of those who kept searching
         or can ship. Call for details. Pleasant Pastures                     for an answer to their challenge and are now
         (717) 768-3437.                    Beautiful crafts by local artists. Keep your    lighting the path of healing for others.
                                            gift-giving dollars in the USA. Alpaca     Contact:  Gabe  (310)  779-2816
         VT                                 blankets, socks and yarn; hand painted
         Health Hero Farm delivers high-quality   decorations, paintings by award-winning
         100% grass-fed beef within a wide radius of   artist David Zippi; handmade quilts.     Diana Rodgers is a real food nutrition-
         Burlington, VT. Our farm is certified humane   Exclusive source of Nourishing Traditions   ist living on a working farm making
         and our pastures are certified organic. Our   posters. Saturday farm tours. Store open   a documentary called Kale vs. Cow that
         cattle breeds finish well on only grass. See our   Thurs-Sat 10-6 or by appointment. P. A.   will defend the nutritional, environmental
         video at                            and ethical case for better meat. Endorsed
                                            Bowen Farmstead, 15701 Doctor Bowen   by WAPF, Savory Institute, Animal Welfare
         WY                                 Road, Brandywine, MD. (301) 579-2727,   Approved. Contributions are tax-deductible.
         Meadow Maid Foods, 100% grass-fed, grass-
         finished beef. On pasture year-round at the
         family ranch in Goshen County. Production       Dvds                       Homes & Land Sale
         practices  detailed  on  our  website.  Cus-
         tom beef, Cheyenne farmers markets and     DVD “Nourishing Our Children” recently   BUSINESS AND FARM IN OREGON LOOK-
         local delivery. (307) 534-2289,     launched a DVD that may be used for   ING FOR A BUYER AND OR INVESTORS.!!              one’s  self-education  or  to  present  to  an
                                            audience. You will learn how to nourish     The farm is a turn key operation. It has a
                                            rather  than  merely  feed  your  family.     30 cow 30+ heifer herdshare dairy, with
             Health Practitioner
                                     over 100 members. Includes cheese room,
         Have you been eating an ancestral diet   Free shipping!              greenhouse, underground fodder container
         for years without the expected results? Do                           and green room, smaller greenhouse, and
         you still suffer from fatigue, anxiety, anger,                       orchard that haven’t been completely
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