Page 117 - Summer2020final
P. 117
The Shop Heard ’Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
developed for revenue. 30 head of ewes Services 15701 Doctor
and their lambs for milking on one side of Bowen Rd, Brandywine, MD.
the parlor. A large walk-in freezer and milk J OHN DEL MOL INO PAINTING.
equipment for milking sheep and cows. Quality residential interior painting for the Research
Deliveries to Portland, Medford, Ashland, discriminating home owner. Historical
Dalles, Bend, Redmond, and on-farm sales. restoration a specialty. Outstanding enamel WITH THE AUSTRALIAN DAIRY INDUS-
See pictures Call (541) trim work is accomplished with real Dutch TRY STRUGGLING, farmers walking off
613-5239. paint from Fine Paints of Europe. Twelve years the land and suicides at dismal highs—
of full time year round experience. Call for a it’s time for urgent action. Our biggest
PROPERTY FOR SALE IN SC, near Lake consultation about your next painting project this year will road test the 2009
Keowee and Hwy 11, secluded 4br 4ba, project. Remember, there is more to risk assessment by Food Standards
3,200 sq. ft., 10 ft. ceilings, hardwood painting than what is in the can! Serving Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). Please
floors, full basement, two 50’x10’ covered Western Massachusetts. DONATE here
porches. On 52 wooded acres (10 acres in JOHN Delmolino, Amherst, MA donate.
bottom land), 2 streams, pond, 2 outbuild- (413) 210-4445.
ings, and more! Ted or Bonnie at (864) Johanna Keefe, PhD, MSN, GAPS/P, has
292-5001 or Travel/Lodging completed her doctoral research through
S&S HOMESTEAD FARM, sshomestead. EMF/WIFI FREE CAPE COD, MA FAM- the California Institute of Integral Studies
org, on Lopez Island, Washington has a ILY VACATION RENTAL HOME: Ethernet (CIIS) revealing, through in-depth inter-
50-year biodynamic history. Please contact only, no television, corded phone, walk to views, the lived experience of mothers as
Dr. Roy Ozanne at (206) 914-3810 to help town center, 4 miles to beaches, close to they described their lifestyle following a real
secure additional acreage already managed freshwater ponds. 15% discount given to food diet based on WAPF principles. Please
by S&S by January, before this pristine land WAPF subscribers. View property 26994 consider sharing a part of your own story
with rich soils is converted to a solar panel at: or email with her by email or phone, to see if yours
field. See may contribute to one of her forthcoming
SOUTHERN MARYLAND – Farm stay at projects: a photo-essay accompanying an
TENNESSEE RURAL HOMESTEAD Fifteen P A Bowen Farmstead. Living room with uplifting mini-series or documentary with
acres of beautiful farmland, which has been kitchenette, 1 bedroom, plus cots, to sleep the working title, "GrassFedBabies", to inform
resting for six years. Elegant/rustic straw clay 4, even 6 total. Barbeque, pool, private and inspire our next generation of parents.
house built with & non toxic materials 2018. entrance. Tree house for children. Walks, Johanna looks forward to hearing from you
Fenced pasture with barn. Two miles from farm activities. 1 hour from downtown at or by phone/
historic community, The Farm. $449,000. Washington, DC and Annapolis. Listed at text at (978) 290-0266 or DM her on IG @
(802) 272-9276. AirBNB or contact Lindsay at farmstay@ grassfedbabies to set up a time to talk!
“Take the initiative to get more
informed and if at the end of that
process you decide you want to get
vaccinated, that is absolutely fine. If you
decide you don’t, that’s absolutely fine.
That’s entirely your choice. However, that
choice is at risk. We should be extremely
alarmed right now about the attempt to
take away our health freedoms in the
interest of the pharmaceutical industry.”
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Wise Traditions Podcast #239.. ...
We have neglected the truth that a good farmer
is a craftsman of the highest order, a kind of artist.
Wendell Berry
SUMMER 2020 Wise Traditions 115