Page 59 - Summer2020final
P. 59

The Wise Traditions Pantry

                                                  By Will Winter, DVM

               Liver? OMG! Run! If a chunk of liver could  were excellent home cooks, so we ate very well.   Ninety-nine
            be a movie star—which, if you have seen Toy  My mother lived to be over one hundred and   percent of
            Story, isn’t too much of a stretch—I’m thinking  needed no prescriptions. She would join me in
            Mr. Liver would look like the beat-up young  admonishing “Eat your liver!”         the liver
            boxer Rocky Balboa, the big ol’ muscle-bound,   It’s my theory that there are at least two   being cooked
            gruff-speaking galoot with a heart of gold. Let’s  main reasons for liver’s bad reputation. I’m   in homes,
            face facts here: Liver has been given a bad rap!  talking to you now, liver-haters. First of all, 99
               There are perhaps only two other table  percent of the liver being cooked in homes, and   and especially
            turn-offs, Limburger cheese and lutefisk, that  especially in restaurants, is wretched, smelly   in restaurants,
            have a worse food reputation than liver. As you  and toxic. This is because it is almost always   is wretched,
            will soon see, Mr. Liver is usually served fresh  liver from confinement (commodity feedlot)
            and therefore has nothing to do with these two  animals. That stuff could actually damage your   smelly and
            fermented products—but I digress.         health, and I wouldn’t blame you at all for hating   toxic. This is
               At the risk of being a spoiler, this story has  it. And it just doesn’t taste good either.
            a happy ending. In the end, and after ten hard   Secondly, and equally problematic, I’ll bet   because it is
            rounds of getting savage punches and body  that your mom has been cooking it all wrong!   almost always
            blows, Rocky triumphs over the bad guys. Yay!  You will soon see how the cooking part can be   liver from
            Let’s hear it for Mr. Liver, I mean, Rocky, no  easily cured.                      confinement
            wait, I mean Mr. Liver. And, yes, I really do   Lastly, and as if the first two were not rea-
            want Mr. Liver to win his way back to your table  sons enough, why would anyone (except a hater)   animals.
            and into your heart as well.              curse a noble category of nutritionally healing
                                                      meats as “offal”? What a travesty. I say we start
            LIFELONG LIVER EATER                      calling organ meats “delicacies” or maybe just
               If you didn’t immediately freak out and are  “num-nums.”
            still reading, I feel qualified to tell this story   All of you liver-haters have plenty of com-
            because I consider myself a specialist in getting  pany. Many of you even make gagging sounds
            liver-hating people to eat and even enjoy liver. I  and gestures when someone mentions the very
            will admit that I know that I have my work cut  word “liver.” I work for one of the largest and
            out for me. So many people have been turned  best 100 percent grass-fed gourmet beef produc-
            into “haters” that we’ve witnessed a health and  ers in the U.S.: Minnesota’s very own Thousand
            culinary tragedy. Many are so hardened and  Hills Cattle Company. In our local processing
            jaded that they won’t even try my liver recipe  plant, we document the circumstances that can
            once. This story is for those who might consider  lead to the demise of the liver lovers of the world.
            meeting liver an inch or two closer than they  Liver’s bad reputation, arising mostly from the
            had before.                               widely circulated and erroneous myths, has
               Fortunately, I was never among the hat-  turned off so many of our beef customers that
            ers. I grew up in a farm family where wild  we currently send the majority of our incredibly
            game and all sorts of cuts from homegrown  wholesome and tasty grass-fed liver to various
            meats found their way to our skillet and table.  raw pet food recipes—oh, those lucky dogs and
            My dad and uncles would compete to see who  cats! They are getting our best delicacies.
            would be first to snatch the tasty odd bits from   It is my mission to correct this miscarriage
            the platter. Luckily for me, both of my parents  of justice.

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