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data-driven economic system, arguing for jet- in framing population issues for decades, including in a leadership po-
tisoning market “messiness” and “old-fashioned sition on the national board of Planned Parenthood, the organization
politics” in favor of an elite ruling class of sci- founded by Margaret Sanger, who advocated for a “race of thorough-
entists and engineers. The technocratic move- breds.” In 1998, an article in Salon emphasized the continuity between
ment arose publicly in North America in the Gates father and son. “’Population control’ or ’family planning,’” the
1930s, morphing decades later into initiatives author observed, “isn’t just a billionaire fad for the Gates family,” quot-
like the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Develop- ing Gates Sr. as saying that “[overpopulation is] an interest [Bill] has had
ment. Relevant to the sorts of biologically and since he was a kid.” Gates Sr. also noted his son’s friendships with others
socially invasive measures that Gates, Fauci, “interested in supporting research into world population problems,” such
Tedros and Musk are espousing, modern-day as family friend and Gates Foundation trustee Warren Buffett. Summing
technocrats are particularly enamored of the up (apparently without irony), the Salon author stated, “Billionaires have
“converging disciplines” of nanotechnology, always had a fond spot in their hearts for population control.” In a 2003
biotechnology, information technology and interview, Gates himself called attention to Gates Sr.’s links to Planned
cognitive science. Parenthood and credited his father with having shaped his thinking about
Musk’s technocratic leanings can be traced population issues. In more recent interviews, Gates has continued to
back to his Canadian grandfather, Joshua Halde- exhibit a “penchant for discussing reducing population growth.” And
man, who “earned a place in the political history did Gates misspeak—or was it an intentional gaffe—when he recently
of Canada” by serving as leader and research referred to a Covid-19 vaccine as “the final solution” on the Late Show with
director of the Canada branch of Technocracy, Stephen Colbert? (
Inc. for about six years beginning in the mid-
1930s, until Canada banned the technocracy AN IDEOLOGY, NOT A MAN
movement. Haldeman then served as national In May, the Corbett Report released a meticulously researched four-
chairman of Canada’s “Social Credit Party” part video series about Bill Gates, offering many fascinating insights
before moving to South Africa, where Musk into the Microsoft magnate’s ambitions and motivations. In the last
was born and raised. Musk’s current girlfriend, episode, Corbett cautioned that “Gates is no comic-book supervillain,
a singer who has adopted the sobriquet of single-handedly directing all of the chaos that is unfolding in the world
“Grimes,” has apparently become a technocracy or single-handedly bringing his own order to that chaos.” Instead, “if Bill
convert, describing (in March 2020) her belief Gates is a eugenicist, driven by a belief in the superiority of himself and
that her boyfriend is better suited than any his fellow wealthy elitists, then what we are facing is not one man, or
government to solving the world’s problems. 57 even one family, but an ideology.” And, as another writer says, “While
Technocracy’s “science knows best” orien- the first victims [of measures such as sterilization and genocide] will
tation is not dissimilar to the guiding spirit be- always be the underprivileged and marginalized, nobody is truly ’safe’
hind transhumanism (“the science of improving from being declared ’unsuitable’ for an elite human race.”
the human population”—à la Musk—“through Covid-19 is rapidly bringing into view the new and invasive techno-
technologies like genetic engineering and artifi- logical “solutions” available to today’s technocrats—tools like Neuralink
cial intelligence” ) or behind transhumanism’s implants and quantum dot tattoos that are far more sophisticated than
the blunt weapons of sterilization or genocide. As Corbett shows, today’s
philosophical antecedent, eugenics (the “pseu-
doscience that holds that certain families”—à la technocrats are also supported by an “entire infrastructure of research-
ers, labs, corporations, governmental agencies and public health bodies.”
Gates or his one-time pal Jeffrey Epstein—“are This inhuman ideology, he soberly concludes, will be stopped only “when
fit to be leaders of society by virtue of their su- enough people learn the truth about this agenda and the world of total,
perior genes” ). In fact, it was dynasties such as pervasive control that is coming into view.” 59
the Rockefellers and the Gates who helped solve
the eugenics movement’s post-WWII public REFERENCES
relations problems. They and other would-be 1. Rappoport Jon. “The True Goal of the False Pandemic.”
eugenicists managed to salvage the movement’s creation-of-a-false-epidemic-with-jon-rappoport/.
unsavory association with Nazi ideology by 2. Engelbrecht T, Köhnlein C. Virus Mania. Trafford Publishing, 2007 (English edition).
Kennedy RF, Tachover D. The brave new world of Bill Gates and big telecom. Chil-
rebranding eugenics as “population control” dren’s Health Defense, May 8, 2020.
and later, “family planning” and “reproductive 4. Holland M. The “TRACE” Act—is this the world we want? Children’s Health Defense,
health.” 5. May 15, 2020.
Gates B. How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic. TED Connects, March
Gates’ father (Bill Gates, Sr.) was involved 24, 2020.
SUMMER 2020 Wise Traditions 55