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ance for Vaccines and Immunisation (later renamed Gavi, the Vaccine  essary surgeries. 6,9,17,18  5G has played a growing
            Alliance), to which he has donated over four billion dollars.  In 2010,  role in the Gates Foundation’s investment port-
            Gates pledged ten billion dollars to the WHO and declared a Decade of  folio (with its second largest tech holdings, after
            Vaccines. Around the same time, Gavi and WHO also joined forces with  Microsoft, in Crown Castle, the dominant owner
            the Gates Foundation and several other entities—including Anthony  of 5G infrastructure throughout the U.S.).  5G-
            Fauci’s NIAID—to establish a Global Vaccine Action Plan, with Fauci  related companies also dominate Microsoft’s
            stepping up as one of the Plan’s five Leadership Council members.  As  recent corporate acquisitions. 19,20
            journalist James Corbett summarizes:                              At this juncture, it is more than apparent
                                                                          that the foundation’s financing of “hospitals,
               [T]his attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of  universities, media, governments, and health
               a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to  organizations”  has  given  Bill  and  Melinda
               greater profits for Big Pharma companies, greater control for the  Gates “the ability to shape the decisions made
               Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power  by some of the institutions they fund, including
               for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people  when these decisions go against the desires of
               around the planet. 14                                      the masses they claim to be helping.”  And, in
                                                                          the era of Covid-19—with Gates having pledged
               Alongside Gates’ global health activities, he has also been active in  three hundred million dollars in commitments
            building up the vaccine enterprise in the U.S. After partnering with the  to vaccines and therapeutics—it also seems
            National Institutes of Health (NIH)—parent organization to NIAID—in  clear that “No matter which way you approach
            the mid-2000s to create a program called Grand Challenges in Global  the solutions being presented. . . you will find
            Health, the Gates Foundation initiated a chummy “new phase of coop-  Bill Gates’ fingerprints.”  Gates has made it
            eration” with NIH in 2014, including significant investment in vaccine  plain that he plans to evade all culpability in
            development.  Many American universities have also developed cozy  the likely—and even predictable—event that
            funding relationships with the Foundation.                    his vaccines cause injury or death, having stated
               In addition to exerting his outsized influence on vaccine programs  that no vaccine will be distributed until gov-
            and priorities around the world (and unremorsefully leaving behind such  ernments around the world agree to indemnity
            a horrendous trail of vaccine injuries and deaths that India’s vaccine  against lawsuits. 21
            program severed ties with the Gates Foundation in 2017),  Gates has   Thanks to Gates’ well-oiled publicity ma-
            established a number of other key funding priorities, none conducive  chine, Covid-19 has reportedly sent the mag-
            to human or planetary health. Pet projects include support for ominous  nate’s popularity “soar[ing] through the roof,”
            technologies like geoengineering (“the deliberate mass scale manipula-  at least in the U.S., with one survey citing favor-
            tion of the weather”), video surveillance satellites, 5G antennas, artificial  able opinions from 58 percent of Americans,
            intelligence, nanotechnology, GMO-based agriculture and the genetic  including “both Boomers and Millennials.”
            extinction technology known as “gene drives”—as well as providing  However, judging by the massive outpouring
            financing for mundane misdeeds such as subprime mortgages and unnec-  of Gates-directed hostility and skepticism on

                                              GATES: CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

                 Outside the United States, Italian politician Sara Cunial delivered a speech to the Italian legislature in May 2020 that
             captured the sentiments of many people around the world regarding Bill Gates. Describing Gates’ 2018 “prediction”
             of a coming pandemic, his hosting of “Event 201” in 2019, his destructive vaccine programs and depopulation policies,
             his activities to obtain “primacy on agriculture, technology and energy” and his involvement with companies rolling out
             5G, Cunial summarized:
                 The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and
                 slaves, violating sovereignty and free will. All this thanks to tricks/hoax disguised as political compromises. While
                 you rip up the Nuremberg code with involuntary treatment, fines and deportation, facial recognition and intimida-
                 tion, endorsed by dogmatic scientism. . . [w]e, with the people, will multiply the fires of resistance in a way that you
                 won’t be able to repress all of us.
                 . . . [G]ive an advice to our [Prime Minister] Conte: Dear Mr. [Prime Minister] Conte, next time you receive a phone
                 call from the philanthropist Bill Gates, forward it directly to the International Criminal Court for crimes against hu-
                 manity. If you won’t do this, tell us how we should define you, the ‛friend lawyer’ who takes orders from a criminal. 62

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