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evidence to suggest that these fields interfere life.” But it’s not quite as simple as that, which is why I go through the
with the distribution of calcium in and across whole viral theory, message theory, esoteric theory and energy theory.
the cell membrane. I’ve seen the evidence both If you get into the physics of this, it starts looking very complicated. It’s
for and against this assertion, and the reason I far beyond my ability to comprehend, but I know that we can’t live the
think there’s something to it is because if you rest of our lives in this state of fear and hatred. This is not good for us.
introduce a new electromagnetic field and that It is not good for people to be isolated, with their only contact with life
causes the calcium to be pushed into the cell, being through a screen. That is not the world that I want to live in.
you will end up with toxic cells—which is what Remember, I have no experience treating this, so I have nothing to say
we are seeing. Moreover, calcium is part of the about possible treatments. However, I do have a lot of things to say about
coagulation pathway, so if you lower the calcium the world I want to live in, the water I want to see, the electromagnetic
in your blood, you will start bleeding. fields I want to live in, the kind of harmony I want to see among people,
This is exactly what happened to people in the kinds of activities I think people should do. And I have things to say
1918. New radiowave technology rolled out in about not putting metals and chemicals in the air or glyphosate (which
1918, and the soldiers who were often described also degrades DNA) in the water.
as some of the Spanish flu’s main victims were When I was a child, I had such a bad speech impediment that I
at the vanguard of using the new technology. couldn’t talk. Eventually, my parents took me to a child psychiatrist.
Most of the deaths were ascribed to hemor- He said, “Don’t worry about Tom. Some day he’ll have something to
rhages. I don’t exactly know why, but I think say.” So, my parents didn’t put me in therapy or do anything else. They
they got DNA damage, which shows up as a left me alone, and it was around that time that I started thinking about
viral infection. That pushed the calcium into how the world is organized. Over time, it has felt like I’ve been given
their cells, they had lowered ionized levels of insights—things that I should at least try to communicate to other people.
calcium in their blood and that caused failure I never know whether they’re right, but some people have said that I have
of the coagulation pathways and bleeding. That an interesting ability to communicate certain things. At any rate, it’s as
is a perfectly acceptable explanation for every if I can’t live unless I say what I feel and how I see the world. I don’t
observable event then—and now. know why that is.
One thing I would like people to do right now if they are so inclined
is to find a version of the beautiful Leonard Cohen song, “Hallelujah,”
A lot of brilliant people have tried to ad- on YouTube. This version is sung by the children of a New York City
dress the esoteric third-level question. What public school (PS22), and it’s the most amazing thing to see. There are
is this energy form being put out when people children who are fat and children who are thin; who are black, Hispanic
and white; with and without glasses; with funny hair or no hair—and
are poisoned in this way? They all come up they all come together to sing “Hallelujah, We’re Alive.” That’s the world
with the same answer: It’s fear and hatred. That I want to live in. An amazing boy starts the song and later also sings the
is the energy form that is the spiritual root of verse that says, “I did my best, it wasn’t much” and “I’ve told the truth, I
contagion, and we know that it has physiologi- didn’t come to fool you.” I don’t know how much of what I am saying is
cal effects. If you frighten people or make them the truth, but I’m trying my best. That’s all I can say. And I hope people
hate other people, they get sicker more easily. I go out and sing that song.
don’t think it’s a coincidence. I’m not ascribing
motives, and I don’t know how this happened, Tom Cowan, MD, is a holistic physician in private practice in San Fran-
but this rollout of fear has been one of the most cisco. He is the author of Cancer and the New Biology of Water; Vaccines,
intense experiences that any of us has ever seen. Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness; Human
The way I conceive of this is that the dam- Heart, Cosmic Heart; The Fourfold Path to Healing; and co-author with
age is to the water in our tissues. The water is Sally Fallon Morell of The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child
the part that absorbs this electromagnetic field. Care. He is a popular speaker at Wise Traditions conferences.
The water is the basis of life. Essentially what
we’re experiencing is a message from the water: REFERENCES
“If you keep poisoning me like this, if you keep 1. Engelbrecht T, Köhnlein C. Virus Mania: Avian Flu (H5N1), Cervical Cancer
degrading my ability to lead a happy, fulfilling (HPV), SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio – How the Medical Industry Continu-
life, then I need to put out a message that some- ally Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense. Trafford
Publishing, 2007. [Translated from German]
how accentuates that we need a different way of 2. Kremer H. The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine. Xlibris Corpora-
48 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020