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nothing about the microbiome—the bacteria that live in our gut and ev- two hundred years, not once has a human being
erywhere in our body—so we tried to sterilize people who were sick. We been exposed to two viruses at the same time.
gave them lots of antibiotics and irradiated them with X-rays. Of course, People may say that illnesses like chickenpox
it never worked. Fast forward to the present day when we have the theory and measles attack largely the same tissues.
that viruses are these “wily” attack things that come from outside us. But what about mumps? It attacks your parotid
Dr. Virgin may not agree with me about everything I am saying, but he gland. So, why couldn’t one virus attack your
pointed out in his talk that we actually have millions of viruses in our parotid and another your respiratory and another
virome—which is the equivalent of the microbiome—and at least 20 your skin? The whole thing doesn’t make any
percent of our DNA is viruses. Millions of different viruses live in every sense.
orifice of the body and in our blood and cells. In fact, it’s very difficult Let’s go back to the virus-as-messenger
to know what is virus and what isn’t. theory. People are poisoned and send out a dis-
Dr. Virgin describes viruses as “messages.” They are a rapid response tress signal because we are a unified system. I
team. If you encounter danger, your body essentially liberates a piece of would say we are a living, breathing crystalline
genetic material—which is what a virus is—and pumps it out through water being, which—at any one time—has one
your cell membrane. The name for this is messenger is “exosomes.” They response. The response is, “I’ve been poisoned
then go to other cells and tissues and send them the message: “I’ve been in this way, I’m going to send out the signal to
poisoned. Something bad happened.” It’s very similar to what a tree does; my friends and relatives in the world, and that’s
if a tree in a forest gets eaten by beetles, it sends out messages through its going to alert them.” You can’t do two unified
roots telling other trees to make an immunological reaction against the responses at the same time, so you do one.
beetles. It’s our natural way to protect ourselves, and it’s how communica- One might ask, “Why does this happen
tion happens between cells, tissues, organisms and even between species. to everybody?” In the past, every child got
The DNA—the genetic material—is encased in crystalline water chickenpox. It could be—as many have not only
(see my book Cancer and the New Biology of Water). When something suggested but also essentially proved—that all
happens to disturb it, the crystalline water changes the DNA, makes a children need to go through certain elimination
new genetic material and it gets packaged up and sent out as messengers phenomena, like this messenger phenomenon, to
telling the other organisms “there’s something happening here.” That is become healthy. In other words, it’s part of the
what we call “viruses,” and this is why it looks like contagion. You’re maturation process. Here’s the message that gets
sending a signal—a message—to another organism that something passed along: “Okay, I’m going to do that, too.
happened and you need to make an immunological reaction. Dr. Virgin It’s a pretty harmless event, and then I’m going
says that at the end of his talk someone said to him, “Man, Skip, this to have a physical antibody produced, which is
is incredibly complicated.” And he said, appropriately enough, “Don’t the physical marker that I’ve had chickenpox.
blame me, that’s how life is.” Not only will I never get chickenpox again but
Let’s consider the theory that viruses are “wily.” That is, you’re I will have less glioblastoma and less arthritis
just going around minding your own business and a virus attacks you for the rest of my life.”
and makes millions of copies of itself inside you, and then you’re sick. This explains why these diseases look con-
That’s the theory. Over the last forty years, knowing about the “wily tagious. It perfectly explains all the observable
virus” theory, I’ve often asked myself, “I wonder which part of that is phenomena of the history of viral diseases.
the ‛wily’ part.” “Wily” means that piece of RNA is thinking, “I’m going
to escape detection.” ANOTHER LAYER
Consider five viral diseases: chickenpox, measles, German measles, To summarize thus far, we can view layer
mumps and hand, foot and mouth disease. Those are classic viral diseases one as “virus as infection”—but they didn’t
that everyone has heard of and that, before the 1950s, “attacked” millions prove it. Layer two is, “virus as messenger”—
of people who then got symptoms. Here’s a question: Have you heard of that is, “there’s more happening here.” At this
anyone having all five of those—or three or even two—at the same time? point, people may say, “But it spreads all over
As far as I know, it’s never happened or been reported. the world, how can that be?” Whether they say,
If it was simply a virus attacking you, why couldn’t two viruses “How can that be if it’s a virus?” or “How can
attack you at the same time? I would submit that there are two possible that be if it’s a message?” they are asking the
explanations. First, there’s something really wrong with the virus theory. same question.
The second—and frankly impossible—explanation is that, in the last Here we get into more esoteric questions.
46 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2020