Page 51 - Summer2020final
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tion, 2008. [Translated from German]   6.
            3.   Firstenberg A. The Invisible Rainbow: A History of   7.   Cowan T. Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doctor’s Quest to Understand, Treat,
               Electricity and Life. Santa Fe: AGB Press, 2017.   and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green
            4.   Cowan T. Cancer and the New Biology of Water:   Publishing; 2016.
               Why the War on Cancer Has Failed and What That   8.   Virgin HW. The mammalian virome in genetic analysis of health and disease
               Means for More Effective Prevention and Treat-  pathogenesis. The Annual RE Dyer Lecture, National Institutes of Health, April
               ment. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green   22, 2015.
               Publishing; 2019.                      9.   Dossey L. Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing.
            5.   Nuday C. Water Codes: The Science of Health,   HarperOne; 2000.
               Consciousness, and Enlightenment. Water Ink;   10.  PS22 chorus “HALLELUJAH” Leonard Cohen, December 2, 2015. https://www.

                 This is a particularly painful piece for me to write. The reason is not so much because I am going to admit I was
              wrong about a number of things in my podcast interview, but because this was staring me in the face for decades, and
              for some reason I simply missed it. Like most people, I’ve been wrong about many things before, so that is not such a
              concern to me. The thing that rankles me is that in some ways this is the central delusion of our culture—and I missed
              it for decades. That just shows how deeply ingrained in all of us this insidious myth of contagion really is.
                 The reason that it has not been shown that this coronavirus is causing this current disease is simple. No virus or bacteria
              has ever been shown to cause any disease, so there is no reason to expect that this coronavirus would be any different.
              The amount of “deprogramming” that it took for me to realize this simple fact has been perhaps the most challenging
              intellectual quest of my life. Yet, in the end, this is the only reasonable conclusion anyone who looks at the facts can
              come to. When I said that Koch’s postulates had been met for some illnesses, such as meningococcus or chickenpox, I
              was mistaken. The fact of the matter is that in no case—in spite of over one hundred fifty years of trying—has anyone
              shown that either a purified bacteria or virus can cause any disease. It is simply not in nature’s plan for this to be so.
                 Here is what I mean. Imagine you have milk, and the cow from which the milk is obtained is poorly fed and handled.
              You notice that people drinking the milk often come down with a case of diarrhea—in many cases, severe and even bloody
              diarrhea. As the medical person involved, you decide to investigate. You examine the milk and find the bacteria called
              campylobacter. Problem solved, as it is well known that campylobacter is a bacterium that causes diarrhea in people.
                 There is, however, another possible explanation for these events. As I said, the cow was being misfed, possibly even
              poisoned. We know that whatever poisons any mammal consumes inevitably show up in the milk. It is quite possible
              that the campylobacter are present in the milk not as an “infection” but because, in all of nature, bacteria biodegrade
              toxins and other debris. In other words, if there are poisons in the milk, the campylobacter bacteria, which are always
              present in small quantities in any milk, find their food source and grow and flourish. Rather than being disease-causing,
              the reality is that the bacteria are remediating a bad situation.
                 As I have pointed out for many years, this second explanation is more in line with how nature operates. If you put
              nasty stuff in your compost pile, you will grow certain bacteria and fungi to eat that inappropriate stuff. No one with any
              sense says the compost pile has an “infection.” The microorganisms are just fulfilling their normal role in nature, which
              is to grow where and when they are fed. If you feed a system poisons, you will get certain microorganisms growing.
                 It all boils down to this question: How can we prove which of these two explanations are correct? Is it the bacte-
              ria (or virus) causing the disease, or are they in some ways the remediators of the situation and are just being blamed
              because they are at the scene of the crime? The answer to this question is very logical, simple and straightforward. All
              you have to do is simply isolate a pure culture of either the bacteria or virus, give that to the person in the normal way
              it supposedly caused the disease (in our example, give it orally) and see what happens. This has been done, famously
              by Louis Pasteur, in experiments dating back over one hundred fifty years.
                 Believe it or not—as shocking as this may be for some to hear—not once was Pasteur ever able to transmit disease
              in this manner, nor has anyone else ever been able to do so. Pasteur said he did, but in his personal diary (that he said
              was never to be published) he admitted he was never once able to transmit any disease in this manner and had to resort
              to putting poisons in his samples in order to prove the germ theory. When he died, it is said that his final words were
              “the germ is nothing, the terrain [i.e., the condition of the person or the poisons in the milk] is everything.”
                 I encourage all to ponder this deeply. If I am correct, this changes everything. It is not a simple issue and it would
              take an entire book to describe the ramifications of this new understanding. But I have come to the conclusion that if we
              don’t begin to see nature as it is—and instead persist in seeing the world through this delusion called germ theory—we
              will be subjected to and will fall for more and more “pandemics.” Conversely, if we can somehow wake up, turn off the
              Wi-Fi and stop polluting and poisoning our only home, then a new dawn will come, and we can create a world that will
              work for all of us and all God’s creatures—including our dear friends the bacteria and viruses.

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