Page 25 - Winter2010
P. 25
and state veterinarians to get certified letters volution into a new state of ignorance and discon-
explaining that herbivores actually like to be in nectedness. The fact is, everything is eating and
crowds. being eaten. If you don’t believe me, go lie naked
Free range chicks. It’s abusive to control in your flower bed for three days and see what
them with shelters, they want to run free, say gets eaten. You see, death is necessary for life.
our critics. But as soon as one gets out, all it does Decomposition precedes regeneration, and this
is spend the rest of the day running around the cycle has profound meaning on the spiritual level.
fence trying to get back in because it’s scared to Without sacrifice there can be no life. And when
death. your teeth chomp down on the chicken breast or
Shipping chicks should be outlawed, they the baby carrot or the salad greens, that mastica-
say. “I wouldn’t like to be shipped three days in tion, that decomposition, that death, gives life to
the mail. How would you like to be shipped three us. And so when we have our moment of silence,
days in the mail?” we thank the sacrifice, we thank the death of life
The reason chicks can be shipped three days to feed us and give us regenerative capacity.
in the mail is because when a hen lays a clutch
of eggs, she doesn’t lay all those eggs at one NUMBER NINE:
time, she lays those ten eggs over ten days. And COWS CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING
as she’s laying those eggs, she’s out eating and A fact: there were almost three times as
trying to build up body reserves for her incuba- many pounds of herbivore in North America
tion period. Since she’s off the nest, the first laid six hundred years ago than there are today. If
eggs get cool and that slows the embryo down herbivores cause global warming, we’d be very
enough so that by the time she lays her seventh hot by now. What the herbivore does is eat the
or tenth egg and starts to actually set, the first herbage that’s created by solar energy in real
egg is only about three days ahead of the tenth time and serves as a biomass growth re-starter.
egg. And when it hatches three days before the It’s the herbivore that restarts the biomass ac-
last one, the chick sits quietly and waits until cumulation engine. Without the herbivore to eat
the last egg is hatched. If it hatched and took off it, herbage just desiccates. It gives off the same
running around, the mother hen would leave the methane as it would inside the cow but without
nest at its most vulnerable time—when the eggs the redeeming capacity to restart and regenerate
are almost ready to hatch and when they need in moving the methane the other way into the A fact: there
warmth and the most careful environment pos- ground. That’s why we practice the bio-mimicry were almost
sible—to go running after this wayward chick of mob stocking on our farm; it’s the best way three times as
that’s running around. The other chicks wouldn’t to get soil fertilization. This is an earth-healing
hatch, or if they did hatch, they would die. And system based on perennials instead of annuals, many pounds
so the chicks don’t come out from under the hen herbivores instead of omnivores. of herbivore
until all the eggs have hatched. So chicks can If you really want to eat close to nature, eat in North
take three days shipping, that’s a natural thing. grass-finished beef, and not so much chicken
They’re chicks, not people. and pork. Pigs and chickens were always salvage America six
But see, we have this projected anthropo- animals, not the main driver of the biomass cycle. hundred years
morphism on the animals. Electric fence, oh, it Herbivores represent portable instead of station- ago than
might hurt them. You’re talking to a guy who ary infrastructure, multi-speciation instead of
still believes in spanking. Castration. Oh my! mono-speciation, biomass regeneration and there are
Castration came along with domestication. What decomposition instead of petroleum use, pasture- today. If
do you want to do, have all our animals fighting based instead of housing-based, local instead of herbivores
all the time? global, in-sourced instead of out-sourced, holistic
My favorite is the insistence that we as hu- instead of compartmentalized. cause global
mans have developed to the point where we don’t warming,
need to eat animals. Such a notion indicates not NUMBER TEN: YOU ARE ELITISTS we’d be very
an evolution to a new state of cosmic Nirvana, “You are elitists, and I don’t like elitist,” say
heightened awareness and spirituality, but a de- the critics. “If everyone can’t afford this food, hot by now.
WINTER 2010 Wise Traditions 25
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