Page 94 - Winter2010
P. 94
The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
Farm Products Healing
Alive! Gold Mine’s Fresh Organic Sauerkraut is LIVE BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS is a handy and
BEEF, All natural grass-fed Texas Longhorn. abundant in friendly, living micro-organisms, valuable window on the state of health or
Heat & serve beef shipped in 28oz cans, case powerful aids to digestion and assimilation. disease. This procedure has a powerful moti-
of 12. Buy direct save with 50lb. box grind. Independent lab tests show 7.8 million CFu’s vating effect to help others improve their diets
Halves cut & wrapped. Jerky, hot dogs, sum- of live lactobacillus and bifidobacterium spe- emphasizing the principles of Weston Price.
mer sausage. Certified Texas Longhorn Beef, cies per gram! Aged in special ceramic crocks Have microscope, will travel. Contact Karen
35000 Muskrat, Barnesville, Ohio 43713, that allow the growth of friendly flora in a Myer, ND, at (262) 522-9993. 12/1
phone (740)758-5050, safe environment, Gold Mine’s sauerkraut is,
12/1 according to the most discriminating “kraut OSTEOARTHRITIS? Effective all natural relief of
connoisseurs,” absolutely delicious! Featured osteoarthritis. Try risk free for 60 days. Made
BuTTER and cheese. Nutrient rich summer at the annual conference of the Weston A. from natural ingredients with no side effects.
gold butter and cheese from PastureLand Price Foundation 2004-2009. (800) 475-3663 Helps rebuild joint cartilage. Eases pain of
Cooperative. Our products are made from the or go to osteoarthritis. Visit www.arthritisCure.nd or
milk of 100% grass-fed cows grazing certified 12/1 call (888) 848-8994. 13/4
organic pastures in southeastern Minnesota.
Shipping available. Call (888) 331.9115 for SPROuTED RICE/SPROuTED RICE FLOuR,
more information. we soak, germinate, dry and roast the finest Investors Needed
11/4 organic California brown rice for the ultimate
in whole-grain nutrition. Tested gluten-free, AK FAMILY/FARMER needed to take over
KATALYST KOMBuCHA TEA, using certified use it in your favorite dishes or baked goods. already established cowshare business in
organic ingredients with Fair Trade teas in our Makes great sushi! Sold in 5 or 25 lb. bags. Go the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, Alaska. Fifteen
raw kombucha .Available in 5 flavors Refresh- to and click on ORDER, cows, 5 breeding age heifers, 5 younger heif-
ing, Energizing , Delicious. Sold from Maine to plus find local stores/distributors. (505) 984- ers, 250 laying hens, brooder house, and 2 mo-
Northern Florida . Also shipping throughout 3100. 11/4 bile chicken houses. Great growth potential.
the uS. (413) 773-9700 or info@katalystkom- $75,000. (907) 376-0634. 11/4 12/1 SPROuTED Certified Organic Flours and Grain
including hard red spring wheat and soft HuNGERING for something more when you’re
LACTO-FERMENTED VEGETABLES, cultured, white wheats, spelt, rye, durum. Stone ground on the road? Seeking partners/funding for an
100% organic, by Immunitrition. Three deli- flours, organic coconut oil, rye chops, rye meal outlet that will offer WAPF-friendly options to
cious, raw blends − Garden, Sea & Sunshine. and more. travelers at airports and rest stops. Menu items
Ships throughout uSA via uPS. Available in 32 or toll free (866) 546-9297. 12/2 to include grassfed beef on sprouted buns,
oz. jars or try our Cultured Veggie Taste Tester bone broth soups, lacto-fermented condi-
with bonus pumpkin oil & sea salt. (877) 773- ments, and more! Contact Katharine Spehar:
9229, 12/3 Healing *12/3
MAPLE Syrup, maple products and maple gifts, HEALING Women’s Relationships with Food &
Certified Naturally Grown (naturallygrown. our Bodies: I support women to discover what MAKE MIRACLES HAPPEN. Developing, inno-
org). Fifth generation farm that takes pride foods most nourish and satisfy them in order vative non-profit seeks R & D phase funding
in quality products. Located in the Northern to end food cravings, mood swings, depres- for environmentally-sustainable, economical-
Catskills of NY. Will ship. Visit maplehillfarms. sion and achieve a healthy weight. I combine ly-viable production model of one of nature’s
biz or call (800) 543-5379. We look forward to traditional foods, supplements, functional perfect foods. Help others help themselves
meeting your sweet needs! 12/3 medicine testing and an emotional healing to better health. Make a difference. Contact
technique- EFT. Phone consults available na- (816) 724-1565. *12/3
REAL PICKLES. Lacto-fermented vegetables. tionwide. (415) 386-2563, sandy@eatlikeagod-
Raw, certified organic and regionally grown. 12/1 OR HERD SHARE FARM FOR SALE. 32+ acre
Pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, ginger carrots, hot sustainable herd share farm single level home,
sauce, beets. Shipped within Northeast only. HOLISTIC ACTuALIZATION COACHING and barn, milking parlor, 100% irrigation, hay shed,
See website for store list and mail order info. High Tech Meditation CDs. Accelerate personal chicken/calf barn, newly seeded pasture and
Real Pickles, Greenfield, MA. (413) 774-2600. growth, move stuck energy, and create lasting hay field. Not certified organic but could be,, positive change. Free consultation, appoint- as no sprays have been on the property in 16
12/1 ments by phone, skype, email. Visit www. years., Prineville, for more details or email OR. You can also go to facebook windy acres
Ginger at dairy farm or wy’eastwindyacresdairyfarm.
11/4 com any other questions please feel free to
call (541) 447-5389. 12/1
94 Wise Traditions WINTER 2010
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