Page 95 - Winter2010
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                       Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information

                           Personals                                                   EDuCATION/LODGING - McNutt FARM II
                                                   FINE INTERIOR PAINTING. Quality residential   SCHOOL, 6120 Cutler Lake Road, Blue Rock,
                BEAuTIFuL, educated, outdoorsy SWF, 50’s,   repaint work for the discriminating home   Ohio, 43720. (740) 674-4555 We welcome you
                5’8”, 125#, snow, water, sustainable life-  owner. Historical restoration a specialty.   by reservation and deposit, on-farm lodging,
                styles, landowner (3 countries), hand-milker,   Outstanding interior enamel trim work. Fine   over night, weekend or week. Private quarters/
                cheesemaker, passionate, political, spiritual,   Interior Painting is a Fine Paints of Europe certi-  equipped kitchen.         11/4
                fun-loving; seeking adventurous, intelligent   fied painting contractor. Call for a contractor/
                man, 50+, financially and emotionally secure,   client consultation. Remember, there is more   FARM CARETAKER - 60 year old single male
                for happy, committed life. stillmeadow@mail.  to painting than what is in the can! Serving   willing to do labor in exchange for housing,
                com or (828) 884-4499.       12/1  Western Massachusetts but will travel to any   good with animals, landscaping, water fea-
                                                   geographic location. The on line home of Fine   tures, stonework, gardening. Non-drinker,
                GROWING? SWF 27 Christian in central MD   Interior Painting: JOHN DELMO-  non-smoker, salary not a priority. Excellent
                near PA seeks long term relationship with male   LINO, Hadley, MA., (413) 549-8776 Cell (413)   references. Call David House (518) 884-0603.
                aged 24-38. Must be in mid-Atlantic or willing   210-4445.           12/3                           *12/2
                to relocate. Interests: sustainable gardening,
                cooking, herbs, animals, traditional arts, his-  REMODELING. Michael’s Remodeling, kitchen   FuLL FOOD FARM based  on  abundance
                tory. (410) 848-3141 or buttermilkgarden@  and bath design, basements, kitchens, decks.   paradigm celebrates third growing season.
                          12/2  Serving Northern Virginia for 17 years. Michael   Partners share year-round pastured animal
                                                   Meredith (703) 764-956, Michaelsremodeling.  products, vegetables. Planning for beans,
                ORGANIC FARMER/blacksmith, 34 wants   com     12/3  grains, prepared foods including fermented
                friends and a wife. Must be willing to stand                           products. Working toward becoming teaching
                for truth. Wide range of interests centered   SAWSOMME (SAW-SOM-ME): Sunshine -Air -   center for innovative grass-based farming.
                on healthy, sustainable lifestyle and true reli-  Water -Soil -Ocean -Minerals - Microbes - Ener-   12/2
                gion. Not enamored with the electronic age.   gies. Properly balances life’s precious benefits.
                Timothy Martin, 156 Newton Rd., Potsdam NY   All are needed in agriculture to start, nurture   ORGANIC, local food based café for lease in
                13676. (315) 265-0026 evenings.    11/4  and sustain life’s requirements. email: ehh-  Carlisle, PA. Great opportunity for a skilled
                                          (847) 464-5987. 11/4  Weston Price oriented team. Complete green
                SWF, 43, petite, WAPF member, sustainable                              facility, turn key operation. Large network of
                living, down to Earth, non-smoker, healing   SMART SIMPLE GOuRMET is a weekly meal   local producers provide beef, chicken, dairy
                arts practitioner, college degree. Live in NJ,   service that prepares locally sourced, all natu-  and eggs. Take a look www.thegoodlifecafe.
                can relocate. Enjoy walking, hiking, reading,   ral, nutrient-dense foods from grass-fed beef,   com Call David at (717) 243 4968.   *11/4
                outdoors,cooking, gardening, animals. Di-  pastured chicken and all organic produce.
                vorced with no children. ISO SWM 44-50 for   Whether for complete meals or to supple-  RESPONSIBLE, ENTHuSIASTIC young woman
                committed relationship. nancyhiker@yahoo.  ment your homecooking, our diverse menus   seeks year-round farm internship/apprentice-
                com                          12/3  ensure that you’re getting the healthiest and   ship while completing online MS in nutrition.
                                                   most delicious foods available. Email us at   Have brief farm experience. Air Force veteran -
                WHAT’S YOuR DREAM? SWM, 54, 5’ 9”, athletic, or visit our   no stranger to hard work & quick learning. NE/
                sailing, silent sports, yoga, organic farm, cats,   website – for   Mid-Atlantic preferred. WAPF member, would
                eclectic, political consultant, left, social/farm/  more information.        12/2  love to learn from you! Contact Amy at (917)
                food activist, sustainable lifestyle, passionate,                      923-8189 or   12/1
                romantic, intellectual. ISO fit woman (mid-40s-
                early 50s), mutually affirming relationship,   Work Opportunities
                Wisconsin:    11/4  APPRENTICESHIPS - VERMONT Farm seeks
                                                   2011 apprentices. We integrate American Milk-
                                                   ing Devon cattle, pigs and chickens with grow-
                     Services & Products           ing and fermenting six tons of vegetables. Our
                DVD “Raw Milk: The Whole Truth” (AKA: The   grain-free cows support raw milk sales plus
                Raw Milk Controversy: Fact&  Fiction) Explains   butter and cheese making.
                the whole truth about Raw Milk! Reviewed    We focus on selling nutrient-dense foods   If people let government decide
                by WAPF:  while eating well ourselves! Learning oppor-
                dvdmedia-reviews/thumbs-up/1433-raw-  tunities include milking, biodynamics, natural   what foods they eat and what
                milk-controversy.html. See 4 video clips on   livestock care. Positions available April to   medicines they take, their
                YOuTuBE! (ChefJem33) Order by check or   November, short and long term. Cabins, food,   bodies will soon be in as sorry a
                through PayPal. email   laundry, Internet access and lots of education.   state as are the souls of those who
                $20.00 per DVD (incl. S&H & PayPal fees) *12/3  Call Doug Flack, (802) 933-7752, Flack Family
                                                   Farm, Snailmail    live under tyranny.
                                                   please.                      11/4            Thomas Jefferson

                WINTER 2010                                Wise Traditions                                           95

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