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WiseTraditions                                The WesTon A. Price                                                                                Upcoming Events

             in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                   Volume15 Number 3                                  FoundATion               ®
                         Fall 2014
                                                                    Education  Research  Activism                                                                                   2015

                    Sally Fallon Morell, MA                 The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit,                         Jan 23-25  Lincroft, NJ: NOFA-NJ Winter Conference featuring Sally Fallon Morell, Joseph
                       Katherine Czapp                 tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the                                    Heckman, John Ikerd, Pam Schoenfeld and others. Contact:
                                                       research of nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, whose
                      ARTISTIC EDITOR                                                                                                           winterconference.htm.
                     Lynda Smith Cowan                 studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established
                                                       the parameters of human health and determined the op-
                       COVER DESIGN                    timum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research                  Jan 31       Driebergen, Netherlands: Wise Traditions Holland conference featuring Sally
                       Angela Eisenbart                                                                                                         Fallon Morell and others. Contact:
                                                       demonstrated that men and women achieve perfect physi-
                       COPY EDITORS                    cal form and perfect health, generation after generation,
                        Janice Orion                   only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and                       Feb 7-8      Limerick, Ireland:  Wise Traditions Ireland conference featuring Natasha Camp-
                       Roger Windsor                   the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal                             bell-McBride and Sally Fallon Morell and others. Contact: www.wapfmunster.
                     Kaayla Daniel, PhD
                        Kathy Kramer                   fats.                                                                                    com.
                                                            The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-
                      LAYOUT/DESIGN                    dense foods to the American diet through education,                         Feb 21       Brandywine, MD:  Butter is Back! Nourishing Traditional Diets and The Oiling of
                         Liz Pitfield                  research and activism and supports a number of move-
                                                       ments that contribute to this objective, including accurate                              America by Sally Fallon Morell.  Contact:
                  WiseTraditions is mailed
                  quarterly to members of the          nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming,
                  Weston A. Price Foundation           pasture-feeding of livestock, community supported farms,
                        PMB 106-380                    honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and
                 4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
                    Washington, DC 20016               nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment
                    Phone: (202) 363-4394              of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban
                     Fax: (202) 363-4396               on the use of soy-based infant formula.
                 Email:               The Foundation seeks to establish a laboratory to test
                                                       nutrient content of foods, particularly butter produced
                        DISCLAIMER                     under various conditions; to conduct research into the
                The information published herein       “X” Factor, discovered by Dr. Price; and to determine
                 is not intended to be used as a       the effects of traditional preparation methods on nutrient
               substitute for appropriate care of a
                  qualified health practitioner.       content and availability in whole foods.
                                                            The board and membership of the Weston A. Price
                PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE                Foundation stand united in the belief that modern tech-                       SAVE THE DATES!
              We encourage the reproduction and        nology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and                                              WiseTraditions 2015
                dissemination of the information
                 published in WiseTraditions           nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a
                      with credit to the               force destructive to the environment and human health;
                  Weston A. Price Foundation,          and that science and knowledge can validate those tradi-                            16th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation
                   as long as it is solely used        tions.
                      to educate others.                                                                                                                               November 13-16, 2015
                Permission in writing is required           The Weston A. Price Foundation is supported by                                                                Anaheim, California
                 if you intend to make money           membership dues and private donations and receives no
                   using the material herein.          funding from the meat or dairy industries.                                           Recordings of Wise Traditions 2014:

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