Page 7 - Winter2014
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TRIBUTE into. Her legacy will no doubt outlive us “Curing the Incurable” we heard of so
I was saddened to learn recently that all. many children being helped in this way.
Mary Enig passed away. The world has Gordon Rouse Janice Curtin, chapter leader
lost one of the earliest pioneers for fat. Yinnar South, Victoria, Australia Alexandria, Virginia
I liked Mary's no-nonsense han-
dling of questions about fat. She had SCHIZOPHRENIA FOOD FORWARD DOCUMENTARY
a way of making the question seem Earlier this year, “60 Minutes” aired I was on a panel last evening after
absurd—which of course it was! Fortu- a segment on schizophrenia in which the debut and screening of the PBS
nately we now have many more pro-fat they interviewed several boys who were “Food Forward” documentary in Los
campaigners but we have lost a great diagnosed with it. The message of the Angeles. It was very emotional to all of
forerunner. story was, of course, that mental illness us. Three hundred people were invited
Zoe Harcombe needs “treatment” with drugs. I could including the Who’s Who of Food in Los
Gwent, UK not help but notice that the boys had very Angeles. There are thirteen episodes and
narrow faces, one with ears that stuck raw milk is the subject of one of them.
HUGE IMPACT out. The characteristics were similar to Charlotte Smith, Dr. Bruce German and
I was sorry to hear about the loss of those seen in the photos Weston Price I are featured.
Dr. Mary Enig. Her book, Know Your took of malnourished children. I noticed The producer, Greg Roden, had to
Fats, started me on my journey to learn- the same features in Adam Lanza’s fight to keep the episode in the series and
ing more about how nutritional sciences picture (of the Sandy Hook school shoot- had to edit with an ax to keep it alive.
had become corrupted by industry and ing). He appeared to have a very narrow He told me that PBS in Washington,
health lobby groups. face and swollen eyeballs, sometimes DC was brutal and would not allow any
I never met her, but her work has indicative of thyroid problems. sort of medical claim or even a men-
had a huge impact on my life. Her cour- As expected, there was no discus- tion of medical benefit whatsoever and
age of conviction is an example to us sion in the television segment of the demanded the CDC have statements in
all. She taught us that science should be relationship between a healthy body and the documentary to alarm the public.
about truth. Her work taught us not to a healthy mind or any efforts to treat However, even with the horrendous
fear food, and to question the authorita- mental illness with good nutrition. This editing, the truth shone through. The
tive science that we were indoctrinated is sad because at our 2013 conference on crowd in attendance was in tears at the
Winners of the 2014 Activist Awards (from left to right) with Sally Fallon
At last! Chris Masterjohn, PhD, wins the cov- Morell, president: Geoffrey Morell, Elizabeth Rich, Will Winter, Celia
eted Integrity in Science Award─now renamed Gossin and Season Johnson.
the Mary G. Enig Integrity in Science Award.
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 3
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