Page 9 - Winter2014
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end of it. huge PBS supporters. It's a miracle that notified me by email a few days ago
Bruce German proclaimed that raw the PBS raw milk section is coming about the study. He states: “This new
milk had powerful anti-allergy proper- through at all. You can see it at www. study must make you very happy.”
ties—that statement survived the edits. Yes, but I'm even more happy that
The photography was incredible with season-1-modern-milk/. he even thought of me—I've known him
helicopter work and even has me flying Mark McAfee, CEO/founder for about nine years now—as only two
over the pastures talking about green Organic Pastures Dairy Company years ago, Prof. Dr. Ton Baars, Dr. E.
and clean. There were lots of family Fresno, California Jakob and I each presented a one-hour
shots including some of my grand kids! Powerpoint on milk at another organic
I think that this PBS story of raw milk OFF INSULIN WITH RAW MILK research center (FiBL) in Switzerland.
will shake the U.S. deeply, especially Thank you, Weston A. Price Foun- Jakob talked about how dangerous raw
when pasteurized milk sales are falling dation! Thanks to your efforts, my milk is, while Ton explained the health
like a rock. friends and I are drinking raw milk, and properties of raw milk, and I shared
At the reception, I was greeted one of my new friends told me today all about raw milk in the U.S. and why
like a celebrity. Many had an Organic that after many years as a diabetic, her consumption is growing so much.
Pastures raw milk story and were our doctor took her off insulin. It’s due to It was almost funny: at break time
customers. I even spent thirty minutes her drinking raw milk and starting to we all had a lovely time talking to one
with the Whole Foods dairy buyer who adhere to your diet recommendations! another and tasting several different
attended, talking about our Raw Milk I learned about WAPF four years types of milk as a contest for which tast-
Institute safety systems. ago, and your organization has contin- ed best, pasteurized and homogenized
We need to expose the massive ued to educate and inspire me to follow milk from the supermarket and raw milk
editorial machete job that PBS did to the WAPF nutritional principles. produced right at that research center
this story and how the CDC added dis- Cheryl Fischetto from their own grazing research cows.
claimers to the documentary but never Reading, Pennsylvania The latter is also sold daily directly at
mentioned the seventy-seven deaths the research center to customers who
from pasteurized milk since 1972 or RAW MILK IN SWITZERLAND come with their own pail! I guess as
the fact that pasteurized milk is the The subject of raw milk in Swit- long as they do their “dangerous” spiel in
most allergenic food in America. There zerland has been in both major farmer presentations, they can keep their jobs.
have been no deaths from raw fluid newspapers this October and also in Judith Mudrak, chapter leader
milk in America recorded in the CDC a major animal lovers’ magazine that Southampton, New Jersey &
databases. No other PBS subject in the many Swiss read. I was interviewed Bern, Switzerland
series has a CDC disclaimer! for that magazine in late August. The
The CDC really showed their bias two newspapers shared a new study LET THERE BE LIGHT
and politics on this one! This is a mes- that just came out about babies hav- In the article by John Moody, “Let
sage in its own right: one of real people ing less inflammation when given raw There Be Light,” (Fall 2013), the author
pioneering to nourish consumers safely milk! Unfortunately the article claims says, in regard to LED lightbulbs, “They
and thriving under extreme conditions. that raw milk is dangerous. Apparently are significantly superior in terms of
The producer, Greg Roden, gave me scientists want to find out what is in raw light quality, longevity, safety and en-
plenty of time during the panel discus- milk that prevents inflammation, asthma vironmental impact. . .”
sion to talk about why the establishment and allergies and then use those isolated Mr. Moody should have done
fears raw milk. He took this personally compounds. more homework in regard to the health
because of his fight with management Interestingly, it was Dr. Ernst Ja- effects of these bulbs. Studies have
and the FDA during edits. Remember kob, one of the researchers in the dairy shown suppression of melatonin levels
that Monsanto, Cargill and ADM are department in Bern, who personally when people are exposed to them. This
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 5
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