Page 14 - Winter2014
P. 14


         versity of Nairobi (maybe through an  to “smell” do you take the feathers off   music channel so he would love me. I
         anthropology or African studies depart-  and prepare the bird. Without this fer-  thought a perfect appearance was the
         ment) might be interested in hosting a  mentation, he insisted, the experience or   key to being loved and admired. Too
         WAPF speaker. Wouldn’t it be fantastic  quality of the meal would be ordinary at   bad it really started to wreak havoc on
         for WAPF resources and information to  best.                           me at such a young age.
         be made available in Kenya before the                    David Wetzel     At that time, the magazines were
         Western diet does much more damage?                 McNeal, Nebraska   telling me to go off fat. So I went for it in
         Please let me know if you think this                                   bouts. Typically I would try a lowfat diet
         could happen.                      A SOUP BUSINESS?                    for ten days to two weeks, then I would
                               Lisa Schnoor     I am visualizing an alternative to   fall off the wagon. Little did I know that
                     Silver Spring, Maryland  the existing Meals on Wheels and con-  I was literally starving myself of the fats
                                            gregate meals. I am seeing an ethnic   my body desperately needed at this time
         If someone would volunteer to go to  trend in the San Francisco Bay area   of intense growth.
         Kenya for this project, WAPF could pay  that features East Indian and Chinese      The bulimia cycle set in quite rap-
         all the expenses.                  cuisine. It  makes me think  that the   idly. I despised myself for having such a
                                            conformity and uniformity is starting   weak will. Eventually depression started
         PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE                to crack—something I learned from a   showing its head along with the bulimia.
             I have been reading the Physiol-  Joel Salatin lecture.            The worst part of this story is that I re-
         ogy of Taste by Jean Anthelme Brillat-      For nearly a year now I have been   ally wasn’t overweight, and other girls
         Savarin (1755-1826). Brillat-Savarin  the self-designated soup maker for my   could have looked at me with envy.
         claimed he could look at a person’s face  parents, who are in their eighties. Once      At age sixteen, my first love died
         and discern whether the person had the  a week I deliver a big full kettle of soup   in a car accident. The downward spiral
         ability to appreciate exceptional foods.  and we fill up jars and pitchers for the   of an eating disorder amplified. I was
         The person needed a wide palate, he  fridge or the freezer. They tell all of their   talented and successful but being unable
         said, to have a well-rounded experi-  friends and know I could make a busi-  to control my eating made me think I
         ence with food. People with narrow,  ness out of it. I am a former accountant   was hopeless. Isn’t it terribly absurd!?
         elongated faces had “dull eyes,” and it  and am recording what I make each   Yet that is what millions of young girls
         would be a waste of time exposing them  week and compiling the quantity and   are experiencing.
         to the finer qualities of taste. People with  cost from the receipts as a way to create      Things  got  better  when  at  age
         large, round or square faces would have  a business model.             twenty I married my husband. Neverthe-
         the ability to appreciate fine food, and                 Karen Boyer   less, I was still greatly bulimic. I tried
         their eyes would be bright. He said facial       San Carlos, California   all sorts of fad diets in the hope of shed-
         shape was related to the diet from early                               ding a few pounds, pretending that I did
         childhood!                         If you are interested in investing in   it for health reasons. Some time later, I
             He presented the outline of the  Karen's business, please contact her at   really did start to be concerned about my
         Atkins diet; to lose weight he recom-          health—digestive health at first and then
         mended no grains and starches, but lots                                degeneration of all systems in my body.
         of proteins and fats.              A DIET SAGA                         I searched for answers in the nutritional
             He has many stories about broth     We were both raised on the Stan-  department.
         and health, and many ways to make it,  dard American Diet. I (Marie) first      Here’s a short list of the diets I tried:
         including crushing bones.          started to have a preoccupation with   Susan Powter’s lowfat paradigm; raw
             To prepare a pheasant, he instructed  food at the age of thirteen. I wanted to   foodist (I would juice till I turned blue
         chefs to ferment the bird with the feath-  look like the girls my big brother (whom   in the face!); fasting, monodiet cleanse;
         ers on and only when the bird begins  I loved dearly) showed me on the TV   vegetarianism with lots of soy milk (I
         10                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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