Page 19 - Winter2014
P. 19


          one reason not to do juicing and also not  meat and bone diet, and their health was  son of a 2000 issue and a 2014 issue of
          to prepare certain foods in a blender or  fabulous. It hadn’t occurred to me to do  Wise Traditions. I turned to the back of
          food processor.                    the same for myself.                the 2000 issue and showed the single
              The people Weston Price studied     My energy levels now are awesome,  page of the WAPF Local Chapters and
          had excellent health without blenders  I’m feeling physically satisfied so I don’t  then the six pages of “The Shop Heard
          and food processors. Are we going to  want to eat quite so much, and my gum  Around the World.” Then I turned to the
          conclude in twenty or thirty years that  disease is a thing of the past. Even my  back of a 2014 issue and slowly turned
          using blenders and food processors  dentist is impressed as I no longer have  the fifteen pages of small, dense type,
          was a bad idea? We are unhappy about  inflamed, sore and swollen gums. I  of the current list of Local Chapters
          GMOs, but might we be doing some-  know my teeth will last me for the next  ending with the three pages of Inter-
          thing analogous when we unwittingly  forty years or more. I feel better than I  national Chapter! Then I turned to the
          use blenders and food processors?  have in years. And the food tastes better  “Shop Heard Around the World” and the
                         William B. Schneider  too!                              twenty-two ad pages. There were several
                       Los Angeles, California     I try to speak to people about my  gasps from the small audience and I
                                             diet and WAPF but people look at me  easily made my point about the growth
          This would be an interesting subject to  like I’m a nutter. They can’t get over  of the organization and of how small
          investigate. Certainly primitive peoples  the whole “saturated fats are bad” thing.  business and entrepreneurship were
          did a lot of pounding and grinding of  People are so well indoctrinated they  alive and well. Of course, I mentioned
          their food, but whether blenders and  won’t even be open-minded about it. I’m  the “Farm to Consumer Legal Defense
          food processors cause damage to nu-  a bit careful now how I share and just  Fund” as well as the “Campaign for Real
          trients is a subject that remains to be  explain that I don’t eat processed food.  Milk”
          explored.                          Telling them that saturated fats are fine     Congratulations on your continual
                                             and healthy seems to be too much for  success!
          AWESOME ENERGY LEVELS              them to handle. They think I´m heading                    Lee Clifford
              I’m writing to thank the Weston  for heart disease because of the nice wad        New York, New York
          A. Price Foundation for their valuable  of butter on my eggs at lunch. Little do
          information. In the past I have read  they know!
          hundreds of books on nutrition and de-     Whenever I want information on
          spite keeping religiously to conventional  health I look it up on the WAPF website.
          guidelines, I suffered very low energy  This is my heath bible now. It provides
          levels, struggled with weight gain, had  all the information that I need to be
          bad gum disease and always felt hungry.  healthy. I will remain a member forever!
          The dentist said I would lose my teeth  Thanks again to all of you who run the
          before long.                       Foundation. The information you pro-
              Knowing these problems had to  vide is priceless.
          be diet-related, I started to research                   Michelle Cox
          diet again with a more open mind and           Patumahoe, New Zealand
          Googled “the benefits of saturated
          fats.” This finally led me to the Weston  WAPF SUCCESS
          A. Price Foundation website and it all     I was at a small meet-up in New   Gifts and bequests to the
          made sense to me. Eat like traditional  York City recently and made a brief   Weston A. Price Foundation
          people eat! Funnily enough, I had been  presentation about the WAPF. Besides   will help ensure the gift
          doing that with my dog and cats for the  showing the covers of Nutrition and     of good health
          previous five years, feeding them a raw  Physical Degeneration, I did a compari-  to future generations.
 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                           15

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