Page 15 - Winter2014
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even made my own); and veganism. Suddenly all the puzzle pieces I had encouraging everyone but especially to
Whenever I had a bout of bulimia, I collected through the years (and didn’t give hope to young women entangled in
would stuff myself with whatever they know what to make of) came together! I the misery of eating disorders, and also
said was good for me. I was experienc- had a hard time believing what I read—I to young mothers looking for advice on
ing a great amount of abdominal disten- was amazed. how best to feed their growing families.
tion and bloating. What a mess! That is how I weaned myself from Thanks and keep up the good work!
At the time I was pregnant with my all my fads and started on the path to Eric and Marie Perreault
daughter we were vegetarians, almost long-term health and healing from my Port-Menier, Québec, Canada
vegans. My daughter had to have sur- eating disorders too! (Complete heal-
gery at the age of one year to remove ing from eating disorders is rare!) Our CHILDREN IN CRISIS
her four front teeth, which were rotten digestive systems eventually healed Yesterday I got a call from a mom in
and crumbling. She was breastfed but we and we were so thankful for the work our community whose twelve-year-old
didn’t start on Weston Price principles of WAPF. daughter has a tic-like barking cough.
until she was seven months old. Three years after we switched to It had persisted for two hours the night
A turning point (finally!) came WAPF principles I became pregnant before. In talking with her, I learned
when we undertook a road trip to West- with my son. And guess what? At age the daughter had the DTaP booster nine
ern Canada with our daughter. Still three, he has perfectly healthy teeth. months earlier. The daughter had no his-
vegans, or almost vegans, I remember Isn’t that amazing? It ain’t fun to have tory of strep, which is often the instiga-
terrible cravings while I was breastfeed- your baby taken into surgery at age one. tor with tic behaviors. The neurologist
ing exclusively. I would eat spoonfuls of My daughter still has no front teeth— at Children’s Hospital concluded that
butter whenever no one was looking. Of she is almost seven years old now—but the problem is psychosomatic, which of
course we wouldn’t keep such an evil we hope her adult teeth will come in course it is not.
fare in our own cupboard, so I did it normally. Then our youngest came home from
when we were invited to people’s houses I write this with the intention of school and told me that a former team-
for a meal! Something was certainly mate had gone AWOL for a few days. We
wrong with the way I ate! found out he went on a rampage at home
During the trip, the bloating (and with an ax. Yes, an ax! His parents fled
gas) got to a point where it could no the house while he proceeded to hack
longer be ignored. It was shameful and up furniture and cars. Then he took off
I was desperate! Wasn’t I doing every- for an elementary school and fortunately
thing right? My bowels were irritated was arrested before doing harm. This
with too much fiber and my body was same kid had seizures last spring after
craving fats and proteins and who knows drinking seven Red Bulls or Monster
what else! My husband was also expe- drinks. The coaches then allowed me to
riencing digestive problems due to my come and talk to the young men about
faulty advice! proper hydration and preparation for
One night I prayed really hard, “I games, including the regular inclusion
need help here!” I was sitting in front of high animal fat diets. I emailed the
of a computer and vaguely researching mom last night to make sure he wasn’t
about soy products, when I came across on certain medications. He’s not on any
a comment by the Weston A. Price meds to her knowledge.
Foundation. I kept reading and reading All this is to say that our children
and felt an enlightenment concerning are in crisis. The commercial interests
nutrition like I had never felt before. in this country and the lack of properly
Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions 11
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