Page 12 - Winter2014
P. 12
Why would our federal government and she graciously sent it to Michigan allowed to make a profit off of sickness
take away healthy whole milk from poor WIC in Lansing. and death.
and minority kids? All of us need good The government also took whole Of over seven thousand comments
brown fat to get rid of the nasty white and 2 percent milk out of our schools. posted to the USDA site, more than
fat in our bodies created by poisons such Did you know that? That is why school six thousand came from parents in the
as high fructose corn syrup. Why are kids drink pop. I can hardly blame the WIC program expressing their concerns
food companies allowed to put filth like kids; skim milk tastes gross, whole milk about the skim and lowfat milk. Only
caramel color, which is an established tastes like ice cream. They are produc- seven commenters recommended skim
cancer causer, in all our food? Why isn't ing a generation of milk haters! Then the or 1 percent milk yet that is what the
the FDA, which is supposed to protect drug companies can jump in and “treat” USDA went for.
us, actually protecting us? Are the drug our children with drugs that make and By the way, I just found out they
companies behind this? They want all of keep them sick. What a scam on our plan to extend the skim and 1 percent
us sick and fat and on their dirty drugs, children. If this persists we will start to milk restriction down to one-year-olds.
which cause side effects that make you see a lot of kids with brittle bones and Twelve-month-old babies will no longer
sicker until you die. Two-year-olds will who are just plain sick. I am sure the receive whole or 2 percent milk. I fear
get fat and sick if the USDA is allowed drug companies are standing by to jump for their brain developement, as we all
to take good wholesome milk away from in with drugs to give to the children. should. What a terrible injustice this is
our toddlers. Butterfat does not make us I am outraged and you should be to the poor.
fat—sugar, high fructose corn syrup, too. The USDA should halt their ac- Please defend the right of our babies
artificial sweeteners, doctor drugs, fake tions and keep real whole milk in the and children to drink real whole milk.
hydrogenated oils, these are what make WIC programs, in our schools, and the Help us keep whole milk in WIC and
us fat, not good whole fresh milk. FDA should be ashamed to let all the our schools.
I sent Ms. Daly the link to the study dirty nasty filth into our food and drink. Aleigh Cambin
proving that whole milk keeps kids slim, And the drug companies should not be Harbor Springs, Michigan
Randy Hartnell, president of Vital
Choice Seafood, gives a moving talk
about saving the market for wild salmon. Keynote speaker, Denise Min-
Vital Choice has been a generous con- Lydia Rose Sifferlen and some of the kitchen chefs are ger, author of Death by Food
tributor to the conference meals over honored at the banquet for the inspired and delicious Pyramid, provides an informa-
many years. coference meals. tive and entertaining talk.
8 Wise Traditions WINTER 2014 Wise Traditions
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