Page 17 - Winter2014
P. 17


          lent publication. Sitting down today to     Imagine that you were born wear-  ternative is a hair test. Low excretors
          conduct an informal survey, I was able  ing red-tinted glasses. The world would  will show low mercury in hair; however,
          to locate numerous examples of organic  look pretty red, wouldn't it? We need to  mercury seems to affect the levels of
          processes being discussed—even by  take off our mechanism-colored glasses  essential hair minerals, making some
          your best writers—in mechanistic ter-  if we're ever going to see the world as  abnormally high and others abnormally
          minology, such as “underlying mecha-  it is and work constructively within its  low, thus revealing possible mercury
          nisms,” photosynthetic “machinery” and  processes rather than tinkering with it  toxicity.
          “mitochondrial engines.”           as if it were some gigantic machine that     The toxicology literature clearly
              Of course we've (almost) all been  belongs to us. As far as I can tell, none  states that mercury alters many sulfur-
          taught to view things in this way, but to  of the problems that confront us is in-  containing biomolecules including min-
          put it bluntly, there are no mechanisms  soluble, but if we're ever going to tackle  eral transport proteins. Thus, abnormal
          in organisms unless they have been pur-  them successfully we need to start by  levels of essential minerals in hair would
          posely designed and placed there by hu-  working more wakefully with our own  be a logical result of mercury toxicity.
          man beings. As Rudolf Steiner pointed  consciousness.                  In addition, mercury’s effect on certain
          out, “That which needs to be organized                     Andy Shaw   essential minerals, including calcium
          is no organism.” Mechanisms have their        Alexander, North Carolina  and zinc, is well-documented. But the
          organizing principle imposed on them                                   specific effects of mercury on essential
          from without by human agency, while  Weston Price provides a fine example  hair minerals remains largely undocu-
          organisms are born with an intrinsic  of  a  scientist  who  did  not  impose  a  mented in the peer-reviewed literature.
          organizing principle provided by nature.  mechanistic model on nature; instead he  As a result, many physicians are unin-
          This may seem like an academic distinc-  marveled at the accumulated wisdom of  terested in hair test results. Nonetheless,
          tion strictly of interest to specialists,  primitive peoples. “Life in all its fullness  a hair test can be a useful, inexpensive
          but with all due respect to the animists  is Mother Nature obeyed,” he said—not  indicator of toxicity for the self-directed
          among us I'm convinced that it has an  Mother Nature tinkered with as though  patient. This issue is further described
          awful lot to do with the perpetration of  she were some kind of machine.  in the book, Hair Test Interpretation:
          modern human follies such as genetic                                   Finding Hidden Toxicities by Andrew
          engineering, climate disruption, envi-  MERCURY RETENTION              Cutler.
          ronmental destruction, etc. There is a  AND HAIR TESTS                                  Kristin G. Homme
          direct link between this type of mindset     In response to a letter on autism,        PE(ret.), MPP, MPH
          and the mistaken view of the world as  vaccines, and mercury (Fall 2014),              Berkeley, California
          a collection of inanimate furniture that  the author mentions hearing a doctor
          we can rearrange as we please with no  describe susceptible kids as “non-ex-  PROTEIN AND WEIGHT GAIN
          negative consequences.             cretors.” (They retain rather than excrete     Does too much protein contribute to
              I see no harm in employing mecha-  toxic metals.) Indeed, according to my  weight gain? I ask this question because
          nistic comparisons as long as we use  reading of the toxicology literature, a  according to Nora Gedgaudas, too much
          them consciously, with an awareness of  susceptible subset of the population will  protein is processed by the body just like
          their limitations. Unfortunately this is  show low excretion of mercury in hair,  sugar.
          seldom what happens. Whether we call  urine, feces and nails, while showing     Many midwives tell pregnant
          it reification or hypostatization, or use  high mercury toxicity on a porphyrins  women to eat a lot of protein, even to
          Whitehead's wording “misplaced con-  panel (which measures damage to cer-  add protein powders to their diets. I am
          creteness,” we're talking about the same  tain enzymes).               finding that the babies of women who
          thing: reading our own abstractions     A porphyrins panel is available for  overdo on protein have a tendency to
          and mental models into the phenomena  less than three hundred dollars from  obesity, even if they are breastfed and
          themselves.               A less expensive al-  receiving a WAPF-type diet. Maybe
 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                           13

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