Page 18 - Winter2014
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         it’s because protein depletes vitamin  five feet four inches, and her waist is a  visit the following link: http://www.
         A, which can lead to thyroid problems,  dainty eighteen inches compared to the
         hence a tendency to gain weight.   average waist circumference of thirty-  to-achieve-the-impossible-figure-of-
             Of course, adequate protein is nec-  eight inches today. However, young girls  barbie/.
         essary during pregnancy, but expectant  aren't aware of this fact and believe that            Anne Kline
         mothers need to be careful not to overdo  Barbie is what real women are meant to    Santa Rosa, California
         by consuming protein powders, lean  look like, which can trigger unhealthy
         meat, egg whites without the yolks, etc.  behaviors to achieve weight loss.  TRANS FAT LABELING
                             Betsy Granger      While fashion models and actresses     Back in 2011 I contacted you con-
                           Tulsa, Oklahoma  have been able to achieve slender fig-  cerning the proposed nutrition labeling
                                            ures, they are little better than Barbie,  of trans fat in restaurant food. This was
         UNREALISTIC                        as they are not an accurate representa-  in regard to proposed FDA regulations
         FASHION FIGURES                    tion of the bodies most of us have. Even  for nutrition labeling of standardized
             Are unrealistic fashion figures  supposedly realistic models wear clothes  menu items at chain restaurants.
         driving eating disorders in young girls?  in size four rather than the size fourteen     Mainly at my request, WAPF sub-
         Although eating disorders affect 0.1  typical of many American women, and  mitted a recommendation to the FDA
         percent of children aged 8 to 11 years,  there is nothing natural about a body  that the trans fat labeling not include
         their prevalence is growing among pre-  weight 15 percent below expected that  the trans fat that is naturally occurring
         teens. For children so young, it makes  most models show off. Airbrushing  in food, primarily in dairy and beef.
         you ask why they would contemplate  slims models down even more, but      I wish you to know that the final
         extreme diets and excessive exercise.  can also remove areas such as protrud-  rule for this labeling was released re-
         The media contribute to their desire to  ing ribs to hide the fact that many are  cently. Unfortunately it does not exempt
         be slim owing to the images they present  undernourished. Despite some models  the  trans fat naturally occurring in
         them with. However, even if pre-teens  speaking out about over-modification of  food.
         never get the chance to see extremely  their body, teens are still trying to attain     In summary, the FDA decided it is
         thin women in magazines or on TV,  the same figures they see in magazines,  better to use the same basis for assess-
         there is another potential influence lurk-  which even with extreme dieting might  ing trans fat content in restaurant food
         ing in their playroom: Barbie. Although  be impossible. The fact that so many  as for packaged food. This assessment
         she may seem like a harmless fashion  TV characters are slimmer than average  is based on the chemical structure and
         toy, beneath her outfits is an unrealistic  adds to the problem, particularly when  not on the source.
         figure.                            you consider the negative way in which     I was very pleased when WAPF
             In a report by Steps to Recovery,  larger characters are often treated on  submitted its recommendation to the
         the authors discuss just how different  screen.                        FDA, and am sorry that the agency was
         Barbie's measurements are from the     Only by highlighting how different  not persuaded to change its stance on
         average woman in the U.S. today. Al-  the body of Barbie and those shown by  this matter.
         though on average we weigh more than  the media are from women today can               Richard Perlmutter
         we did in the 1960s when Barbie first  we help young girls to feel better about      Elizabeth, New Jersey
         came on sale, even back then her figure  their appearance, with good self-esteem,
         was worlds apart from what would be  which is known to protect against eating  ARE BLENDERS BAD?
         considered “normal” measurements.  disorders. By preventing their onset, it     I have read that blenders (and food
         To demonstrate this with just two of  is potentially possible to protect young-  processors) may be bad for our food. The
         Barbie's vital statistics, she comes in  sters from substance abuse, as the two  trauma they cause to the food may alter
         at five feet nine inches for height while  disorders are highly connected.  the nutrient value. Do you know whether
         the average woman today is just short of     To read more about this topic  there are any studies on this? It may be
         14                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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