Page 16 - Winter2014
P. 16


         educated and informed parents are the  been preserved due to your generous   are capable of doing research. The infor-
         biggest threat to their well-being.   information sharing. I homeschool and I   mation about vaccines is not unknow-
                          Kim Schuette, CN  can't wait to get heavy into nutrition and   able outside of medical school. Further,
                       San Diego, California  health with them so they can continue   I was told by my medical doctor not to
                                            on the good health they've been given as   vaccinate.
         DIET, NOT GENETICS                 children. Here is a photo of my WAPF      If vaccines are “completely safe” as
             I just wanted to write and say thank  babies. Thank you!           the author states (without any references)
         you for your website and all the work                  Gina Anderson   why was the National Vaccine Injury
         that has been put into educating the               San Jose, California  Compensation Program set up as part of
         public. I found your foundation eleven                                 the U.S. Court of Federal Claims with a
         years ago, right before I started having                               special section just for autism?
         children. Thankfully I grew up on a                                       To use legislation to remove the
         nourishing diet, but I had played around                               philosophical exemption “loopholes”
         with veganism and vegetarianism for a                                  to force people to vaccinate is a way
         while. I immediately changed my diet.                                  to force medical procedures. Not only
         I have four children now and I recently                                is this an archaic mindset, it is anti-
         brought the oldest two (at nine years and                              American and harkens to Big Brother.
         six years) to the orthodontist for a check                                Lastly, I think it is very interesting
         up to see how things looked. She told                                  that the author zeroed in on the state of
         me that she never sees palates as wide                                 Ohio, a presidential swing state. You
         and well-developed as in my girls´. She                                can’t start too early, right?
         said it must be good genetics and I said                                   If there had been any unbiased sci-
         it was a good diet. She looked at me                                   entific reality in this piece I would have
         strangely. We left with no procedures                                  been much more interested. Instead, it
         recommended, which is a rarity for sure.                               was the same old shut-your-mouth-and-
             We are Irish so I often worry that                                 do-what-the-doctor/government-says
         my kids have a bit of a narrow face, but                               fear-mongering rhetoric.
         their palates are wide and beautiful. I am                                            Leah E. McCullough
         often concerned about the mere two and                                             Author of Freedom from
         one-half years between a few of them  CHARACTER ASSASSINATION                              Fibromyalgia:
         but I was careful about my diet, and it     The October 6, 2014 Time Maga-    7 Steps to Complete Recovery
         shows now.                         zine article “Who’s Afraid of a Little
             Also, none of my kids has ever  Vaccine?” by Jeffrey Kluger is a propa-  All but two states (West Virginia and
         needed an antibiotic or over-the-counter  ganda opinion piece masquerading as   Mississippi) allow for religious exemp-
         drug. They've never had a broken bone  journalistic fact. In the article he shifts   tions. You do not need to belong to any
         or injury yet they climb trees and race all  the perception of non-vaxers as religious   particular church to claim a religious
         over the Nova Scotia country side. They  fanatics or negligent parents to wealthy,   exemption—you simply state in writing
         are not vaccinated but apparently have  arrogant, nothing-bad-can-touch-me   that you have a religious objection to
         had whooping cough without me know-  parents.                          vaccinations.
         ing because they have been exposed on     One thing I know is that to go com-
         numerous occasions and have never had  pletely against what everyone in main-  MECHANISTIC TERMINOLOGY
         obvious symptoms.                  stream society is doing is not a decision      I have noticed, over the course of
             I converted my husband a long time  one takes lightly. Most non-vax parents   years of reading Wise Traditions, a dis-
         ago and our whole family's health has  are college-educated. That means they   turbing pattern in this otherwise excel-
         12                                         Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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