Page 11 - Winter2014
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          back your life and your health: grow     The difference has been remark-  gan Health Department. Susan Daly
          your own pharmacy, and eat a WAPF-  able. People often comment that I have  from the Charlevoix Health Depart-
          structured diet.                   such warm hands whenever we shake  ment called me back and asked what
              Thank you again to Stephen Harrod  hands. I'm curious to know why adding  my concerns were. I told her babies
          Buhner for saving my life and to my  dripping to the diet has made such a  and children (not to mention adults)
          plant allies who are always ready to give  huge difference.            need good fat, like the wholesome fat
          and never ask for anything in return.     Many thanks to the WAPF for all  in milk, to keep them from getting fat,
                               Erika Leifson  your great work.                   and that the children on WIC need fat to
                            Barnard, Vermont                   Michael Seymour   absorb vitamin D and calcium. I told Ms.
                                                            Melbourne, Australia  Daly I was horrified the WIC program
          BACTERIAL ORNs                                                         was cutting out fat and only allowing
              I was intrigued by William Mar-  THE WIC MILK PROGRAM              two-year-olds to drink skim milk and
          shall’s article on bacterial ORNs (Fall     On August 7, 2014 I went with a  1 percent, which taste gross and nasty
          2014). It’s fascinating that when we  friend to her WIC (Women, Infants  compared to creamy, good whole milk.
          consume something produced by lacto-  and Children) appointment in Pellston,     Ms. Daly said the USDA sets the
          bacilli (the ORNs), they can affect our  Michigan. At that appointment my  guidelines for WIC, and they took the
          immune system's reaction to a toxin,  friend found out that the WIC program  fat away from WIC children—no excep-
          causing an immediate and appropriate  is cutting out whole milk and 2 percent  tions! This mandate from the USDA
          response to dispose of the toxin, rather  milk to two-year-olds and older. Only  commenced on September 15, 2014.
          than the delayed hyperimmune response  skim milk or 1 percent milk will be     I told Ms. Daly about studies show-
          that can lead to a cytokine storm that  available for children as young as two  ing that children, especially two- to
          causes deadly septic shock (sounds like  years and up!                 four-year-olds, need whole fat milk. She
          Ebola). It makes raw milk, kefir and     The WIC program was started in  asked me to send her a link to the latest
          sauerkraut sound pretty powerful for  the late 1960s to provide fresh milk  study I found. The study comes from
          avoiding deadly infections!        and other dairy products to pregnant  the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
                   Kris Johnson, chapter leader  women, infant babies and children under  The title is “Longitudinal Evaluation of
                                Toledo, Ohio  five years. The program is overseen by  Milk Type Consumed and Weight Status
                                             the USDA, which sends mandates such  in Preschoolers.”
          WARM IN WINTER                     as this one. The states run the program     The study followed 10,700 pre-
              Earlier this year I learnt how to  through state and local health depart-  schoolers and concluded that kids who
          make my own dripping. My local butch-  ments.                          drink whole milk and even 2 percent
          er was kind enough to put about one kilo     On August 11, 2014, I called several  milk were slimmer, while the kids who
          of beef fat through the mincer so that it  state agencies and voiced my concerns  drank skim and 1 percent milk were
          was easy to render. I then started to add  about the WIC program cutting chil-  fatter. And that is just one study out of
          some dripping whenever I made a beef  dren off of whole milk. I explained  many. Kids who drink whole milk end
          stew for dinner.                   that children need fat in their milk to  up slimmer than kids who drink skim
              I noticed three benefits: improved  absorb vitamin D and calcium and all  milk. Whole milk is good not only for
          taste, a greater sense of fullness and—  the other good nutrients in milk. And  kids but for adults too. When a person
          most surprisingly—I have felt warmer  children need fat in their milk to help  drinks whole milk, the fat in the milk
          throughout  winter. This  is  in stark  them not get fat. “All this lowfat diet  turns to brown fat and that brown fat
          contrast to my former vegetarian days  food is wrong and bad for you,” I said.  keeps us warm and helps minimize
          when I would always be freezing during  “We need fat, good real fat, to keep us  the white fat, which is why whole milk
          winter and always wanting to move to a  slim and healthy.”             drinkers weigh less than skim milk
          warmer climate.                        I then called the Northwest Michi-  drinkers.
 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                             7

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