Page 10 - Winter2014
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         important hormone is what we need to  there’s a break in a water line.  its Coinfections Bartonella and Myco-
         signal the body that the day is finished     I suspect the biggest problem with  plasma. This man is amazing! His work
         and it is time for bed.            vaccinations is the mercury, because  on the home pharmacy is one of a kind.
             A vision research study from Com-  don’t heavy metals accumulate in your  Herbal antibiotics are often weeds that
         pultense University in Madrid reports  body? Since mercury is a germ-killer,  grow all over the world, and are easy to
         that exposure to LEDs can cause irrepa-  won’t it kill the good bugs in your body?  grow at home, if not impossible to get
         rable damage to the retina of the eye.  I say it does. A messed up gut is associ-  rid of. If you want to cut out the cost of
             People who suffer from electrical  ated with a messed up brain, right?  going to the doctor, start growing your
         hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) are     After a bit more digging, I found  own medicinal garden, especially with
         very affected by these bulbs. People with  that Roundup enhances fungal growth. I  Buhner’s recommendations on the most
         EHS are the canaries in the coal mine.  have wondered why candida overgrowth  useful plants. Herbal antibiotics are
             LEDs are a relatively new invention  symptoms sound so much like gluten  renewable and biodegradable. Plants
         and have not withstood the test of time.  intolerance symptoms. I figured there  don’t pollute our soils or water when we
         The bottom line is that we must be very  must be a connection somehow. Maybe  excrete them through our wastes, un-
         careful about adopting new types of  that’s it. Maybe the wheat protein has  like pharmaceutical antibiotics. Herbal
         lighting in our homes and work places.  so much residual antibiotic in it that it  antibiotics also will not destroy your
         Once the damage is done to our bodies  continues to kill our “good bugs” and  intestinal flora, and often can be used
         it may be very difficult to reverse the  thereby enhance the growth of fungus,  to rid yourself of bacterial overgrowth,
         situation and regain our health.   long after it’s been processed and turned  but don’t forget that herbal antibiotics
                               Julia Hattori  into food.                        work better when you are already eating
                    Toronto, Ontario, Canada                       Laura Davis  nourishing foods.
                                                           Stillwater, Oklahoma     Superbugs are a huge problem to-
         ANTIBIOTICS AND ALLERGIES                                              day, but not for herbal antibiotics. Plant
             Antibiotics are everywhere—ap-  HERBAL ANTIBIOTICS                 constituents are too complex for bacteria
         parently even the three main artificial     A recent Wise Traditions journal  to become resistant to. Buhner is not
         sweeteners act as antibiotics—so it’s  (Fall 2014) contained a serious debate  completely against the use of antibiotics,
         no wonder allergies have gone crazy in  about antibiotics, but I was surprised to  but he is against the overuse of them.
         our population. Glyphosate (Roundup),  hear no mention of herbal antibiotics.  They used to be miracle drugs, but now
         originally patented as an antibiotic and  In the past four years I have used herbal  they have lost their potency and can’t
         chelator, is systemic and permeates the  antibiotics in place of pharmaceuticals,  keep up with our overuse. We might be
         entire plant. It seems like it’s used on  all three with successful outcomes.  able to keep antibiotics as a backup plan
         practically everything, even to dessicate  The most brutal one was a severe skin  if we start using herbal antibiotics first.
         wheat and sugarcane.               infection that was undiagnosed for two     Now is the time to start familiariz-
             I see they want to introduce an  months, before I decided to put myself  ing ourselves with these plants, because
         herbicide product that is a combination  on herbal antibiotics. Miracle workers!  in the future they will be the only ones
         of 2,4-D and glyphosate. Apparently  It cleared the infection 100 percent! It  complex, gentle and safe enough to save
         2,4-D is already a big source of the  did probably take longer than if I had  you. I have spent the first twenty-five
         dichlorophenol in the water supply.  used pharmaceuticals, but my healthy  years of my life poisoned by lies and
         It’s been associated with food allergies  gut bacteria tell me it took just the right  drugs which made me very sick, and
         when it accumulates in the body. Then  amount of time.                 now I am suffering the consequences.
         there’s chloramine in the water supply.     Please buy yourself Stephen Harrod  We shouldn’t have to get worse to get
         The water treatment people say they like  Buhner’s books, Herbal Antibiotics,  better. You have the right to be healthy.
         it because they can count on the water  Herbal Antivirals, Healing Lyme Dis-  Don’t let pharmaceutical corporations
         to still have germ-killing power even if  ease, and Healing Lyme Disease and  scare you into needing their drugs. Take
         6                                          Wise Traditions                                WINTER 2014                                                                Wise Traditions

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