Page 13 - Winter2014
P. 13


          PERFECT TEETH IN KENYA             Facebook! He still lives in the village,  received what I sent. However, my Maa-
              I lived in Kenya for two years  but has a laptop and a mobile phone.  sai friend received his set and has been
          (1991-1993), long before I had an inter-  Sadly I found out that he now has diabe-  reading and watching the materials. He
          est in nutrition and health. I noticed the  tes, his wife has asthma, and he told me  spoke at his church and at a local school
          perfectly straight teeth of everyone in  that “everyone is sick here.” When I was  briefly about Price and the importance
          dirt-poor villages, though I didn’t ask  in Kenya, they valued fat and used lots of  of traditional diets. He said people are
          myself why that was the case. When I  it. Unfortunately, they were mostly us-  interested to know more, especially the
          returned home and found the Weston  ing “Kimbo” as their main source of fat  mothers. He called me yesterday to ask
          A. Price Foundation, it resounded with  (and still do), which is canned partially  whether anyone from the Weston A.
          me immediately because of my Kenyan  hydrogenated vegetable oil.       Price Foundation would come to Kenya
          experience.                            I recently sent to Kenya three cop-  to give talks in his community about
              I mostly lived in Nairobi, working  ies of Nutrition and Physical Degen-  traditional diets and I told him I would
          as a linguist for a non-profit organiza-  eration, three copies of the Nourishing  ask. Is there any chance that someone
          tion. The first three months I spent in  Traditional Diets DVD and some WAPF  from WAPF would take a trip to Kenya
          an orientation program in several places  pamphlets. One set was for my Maasai  to lecture on Price’s research?
          throughout Kenya and for six of those  friend, one for the pastor of Nairobi     The village where my friend lives is
          weeks camped in a Maasai area. At that  Chapel, the church I attended while  a two- or three-hour drive from Nairobi.
          time, I could barely speak Swahili, but  living there, and one to a Kenyan trans-  Roads in Kenya aren’t good, but when
          I became friends with one Maasai man  lation organization. (Nairobi Chapel is  I was there, this was a straightforward
          who spoke English. He was the only  a large church and many of the young  trip—not curvy and dangerous—with
          one of his father’s seventeen children  University of Nairobi students attend  a fine road. If I could get in touch with
          who was sent to school, which is why  this church.)                    the pastor at Nairobi Chapel I imagine a
          he spoke English.                      I have not been able to confirm  WAPF speaker would be well-received
              We’ve now reconnected through  whether the pastor of Nairobi Chapel  there, as well. Even the nearby Uni-

                                                    WISE TRADITIONS 2014

                                       WAPF board members Kim Schuette, Kaayla
                                       Daniel and Sarah Pope.                 Pat Foreman, author of City Chicks: Keeping
                                                                              Micro-flocks of Chickens as Garden Helpers,
           In proper Swiss attire, Mike Mu-                                   Compost Makers, Bio-recyclers, and Local
           drak slices raw mountain cheese                                    Food Producers, with Oprah Hen-free.
           brought back by Judith Mudrak
           from the annual Swiss trip.
 Wise Traditions   WINTER 2014                       Wise Traditions                                             9

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