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                A STRATEGY                          against their will.                the judge would have a much easier time
                    Raw milk proponents could learn     Fortunately, the spraying was later  ruling in favor of raw milk. At this point
                a lot about strategy in studying how  stopped in state court on a procedural  there are good scientific reports about
                the USDA and California Department  issue. The CDFA had not complied with  raw milk, but I don't know if any of them
                of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) were  the state environmental law of doing  have the stamp of authority that a judge
                stopped regarding toxic spraying for  an environmental impact report. This  would be compelled to believe. Since
                the light brown apple moth. I hope that  was the only issue that the judge took  most judges are not scientists, they get
                someone can take this idea and put some  note of. Think of the parallels to raw  confused on the points and then default
                action behind it, because I think there is  milk court cases. With the moth spray  to the FDA's position. Therefore it would
                a problem with some of the court cases  the constitutional arguments failed and  be powerful if there could be an inde-
                about raw milk. The issue gets narrowed  health arguments failed. What worked  pendent report on the FDA's position in
                to a very small point about whom to be-  was finding conflict with other state  terms of constitutionality, as well as a
                lieve—the FDA which says the milk is  environmental laws.              report on their science.
                deadly, or the regular raw milk drinker     It took about two years for the state     Here are two links regarding the
                who swears by it.                   to finish its massive environmental  apple moth and the report: www8.
                    In California a few years ago, the  report, in which they, of course, said
                CDFA started an aerial spray program  the spray was safe; with the require-  item.aspx?RecordID=12762 and www.
                for the light brown apple moth. It was  ment satisfied, they planned to continue
                one of those federal programs where  spraying. Fortunately, during the inter-  ci_13339087.
                the state just went along with it. They  im, a group of very passionate citizens     While I believe that the common
                actually crop dusted the cities of Mon-  worked together on fighting the moth  law rights and constitutional rights of
                terey and Santa Cruz with an untested  spray, which included a petition to the  citizens clearly protect private buyer
                chemical encapsulated in microscopic  National Academy of Sciences to review  clubs, it is important to acknowledge
                spheres. All because a moth might  the data regarding the classification of  that the executive branches of the gov-
                cause economic damage to some crops.  the moth. A panel over at NAS reviewed  ernment, such as the CDFA and the
                In comparison to the raw milk war, the  the USDA's report on the moth, and re-  Santa Clara and LA district attorneys
                moth spray is a much clearer case of the  classified it as a “non-actionable pest.”  in  California,  including  the  judges
                government overstepping its boundaries.  They basically rebuked the USDA's  who issue the warrants, do not value or
                    Yet  people  lost  in  federal  court  handling of the matter.     even acknowledge those rights. In light
                trying to stop the spray; they were able     At this point, I believe the case is  of the flagrant violation of individual
                to win a short restraining order in state  closed and the CDFA and USDA have  rights and liberties, citizens need to
                court but then lost at the hearing and  crawled back into their corners because  stand firmly in ways that find additional
                the spraying continued. This is because  their lies and poor judgment were  support, clarification and protection
                when the state judge was forced into a  brought into the public domain by NAS.  for those rights. Top priority should be
                corner, the issue was distilled down to a     Again, reviewing the parallels to  given to passing food freedom laws. We
                scientific argument. In that small realm,  raw milk cases, the judge will gener-  should no longer tolerate the government
                the judge generally sides with the gov-  ally believe whatever the government  banning safe, clean, natural food, while
                ernment because the judge is not a sci-  says. But, if another branch of govern-  at the same time condoning toxic food
                entist and cannot differentiate between  ment, government accountability office,  and medicine.
                true and false. The judge could not see  National Academy of Sciences, even a                 Rami Nagel
                even the simple fact that people were  university, would make a report that              Ashland, Oregon
                being sprayed with untested chemicals  discredits the government's actions, then
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2011  FALL 2011                    Wise Traditions                                             3

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