Page 4 - Fall2011
P. 4


               DOT CALM CAFÉ                      DECLINE IN MILK CONSUMPTON          prove dramatically with raw milk. This
                   Thank you for your write up about     In a recent article in the publica-  highly beneficial raw milk physiology
               Dealer.Com’s Dot Calm café in the  tion Progressive Dairyman, the author  was demonstrated by the peer reviewed
               Summer, 2011 issue.                ponders the relentless fall in fluid milk  and published PARSIFAL study of fif-
                   Dealer.Com is the leading provider  consumption in America. What he does  teen thousand kids in EU who drank raw
               of online marketing solutions for car  not mention is the fact that fluid pas-  farm fresh milk.
               dealerships and manufacturers through-  teurized milk is listed as the top most      The dairy industry needs to con-
               out North America. Mark Bonfigli,  allergenic food in America by the Mayo  nect to their consumers and listen to
               CEO, understands the importance of  Clinic and others. It all comes down to  them and their physiologic and digestive
               wellness and the impact it can have on  simple science. When bacteria are killed  needs. The industry needs to fire the
               employee happiness; he has modeled the  during pasteurization, the resulting  processors and their big-lie campaigns.
               company’s wellness program after the  pieces of dead bacteria are foreign pro-  The propaganda does not work anymore
               WAPF guidelines. In addition                                                     because the human body
               to the on-site Dot Calm café                                                     does not lie to its owner.
               that serves only WAPF foods,                                                     The science project per-
               the LIFE team offers over                                                        formed every single time
               twenty weekly group fitness                                                      someone drinks pasteur-
               classes, an on-site wellness                                                     ized milk comes through
               coach, wellness seminars,                                                        within minutes with the
               and health incentives to stay                                                    irrefutable study result.
               fit. Seminars are held in the                                                    Either it is mucus-forming
               brand new one-hundred-fifty                                                      from MAST cell release
               person theater, which recent-                                                    of histamines or it is lac-
               ly featured “The Oiling of                                                       tose intolerance. Neither
               America.” And many fitness                                                       mucus from histamines
               classes are held in the sunny                                                    nor lactose intolerance are
               CrossFit studio, which boasts                                                    associated with raw milk
               a retractable glass roof to let                                                  consumption.
               in UV rays and fresh air while                               Cartoon by Richard Morris      Mark McAfee
               exercising. In addition, the facility has  tein wastes that our bodies react against.   Fresno, California
               a full indoor tennis court and weight  MAST cells release their histamines,
               room. Coming next year is a roof-top  asthma bronchial spasm occurs, mucus  DECADES OUT OF DATE
               garden along with gardening classes.  is released that creates the bed for ear     The website of the Harvard School
                       Heidi Brigham, Life Director  infections, and allergies rage. When  of Public Health advocates substituting
                              Burlington, Vermont  doctors tell their patients not to drink  margarine for butter and consuming
                                                  milk, they are referring to milk that is  only limited amounts of non-fat and
               What a wonderful model for other com-  pasteurized (and ultrapasteurized).  lowfat milk and cheese. These recom-
               panies! I am sure Dealer.Com saves a     In California, organic raw milk is  mendations are based on the purported
               great deal of money in the long run by  sold in four hundred stores and con-  association of dairy consumption with
               providing accurate nutrition advice  sumed by about sixty to seventy thou-  coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis,
               and nourishing traditional foods to its  sand people every week. They report  osteoporosis and prostate cancer. All of
               employees. We predict that in the future  few allergies and in fact the opposite  these health problems are known to be
               many other companies will do the same.  is true—most allergies and asthma im-  caused in part by vitamin K  deficiency.
               4                                          Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2011                   FALL 2011                                  Wise Traditions

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