Page 4 - SG2021
P. 4

     BEST: Clean raw whole milk from certified healthy grass-fed animals,
     cow milk preferably from old-fashioned breeds that produce high-fat
     milk, such as Jerseys and Guernseys.

     We are pleased to announce that raw milk is available for sale in
     stores in ten states (CA, WA, AZ, NM, ID, CT, PA, NH, ME and
     SC). Over the past few years, sources of retail raw milk have become
     too numerous to list. To find high-quality, unprocessed milk in your
     area, either in a store or from the farm, visit or contact
     a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation (
     or 703-820-3333).
     GOOD: Full-fat, pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from grass-
     fed animals, without added vitamins. This milk is best if made into
     cultured dairy products such as yogurt and kefir.

        Alexandre Family Farm
        Cruze Farm (TN)
        Hartzler Family Dairy (OH and IN)
        Hatcher Family Dairy (TN)
        Hy-Vee Health Market organic whole milk
        Kilby Cream (MD, PA and DE)
        Mill-King Market & Creamery (TX)
        Oasis at Bird-in-Hand (Mid-Atlantic)
        Organic Valley whole Grassmilk
        Promised Land Dairy
        Saint Benoit Creamery (CA)
        Sky Top Farms (East Coast)
        Traderspoint Creamery
        Working Cows Dairy (AL)

     AVOID:  Lowfat and skim milk; ultra-pasteurized milk; homogenized
     milk; flavored milk like chocolate milk; milk from animals that are
     not grass-fed; milk with added vitamins; processed imitation “milk”
     made from soy, rice, almonds, oats, hemp, etc.

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