Page 5 - SG2021
P. 5
Fresh Cheese
BEST: Raw whole cottage cheese, cream cheese and fresh cheese from
grass-fed animals, with no additives.
Blue Mountain Meadows fresh raw cow and sheep cheeses
Buttercup Farm grass-fed raw cottage cheese (717-548-2982)
Green Acres Farm raw cottage cheese (717-768-3504)
Meadow Ridge Farm raw goat chevres, cow cream cheese,
cow and goat cottage cheese with cream (717-530-5999)
Miller’s Bio Farm raw cow cottage cheese, cream cheese;
goat cottage cheese, chevre (717-786-7895)
Miller’s Organic Farm raw cow cottage cheese with cream,
cream cheese; goat, water buffalo and sheep cottage
cheese; fresh cow, goat, water buffalo and sheep
cheeses; cheese spread (717-556-0672)
Pleasant Pastures raw cottage cheese and cream cheese;
goat chevres (717-768-3437)
Rocky Ridge Dairy raw cottage cheese, cream cheese
The Farm Connection raw creamed cottage cheese; raw
fresh cheese curds and mozzarella cheese
Willow Run Dairy raw cow cottage cheese with cream,
cream cheese; goat cottage cheese; fresh cow and goat
cheeses (except seafood chevre) (717-556-0285)
GOOD: Cottage cheese, cream cheese and fresh cheese from pas-
teurized whole non-homogenized milk, preferably grass-fed, with
no additives.
Bellwether Farms fromage blanc, whole Jersey ricotta
Branched Oak Farm fresh cow cheeses (402-783-2124)
Cedar Grove Cheese quark, fresh water buffalo
mozzarella, cheese curds, fresh sheep cheese
Chapel’s Country Creamery Farm cordova white fresh
cow cheeses (410-820-6647)
Cherry Grove Farm cheddar cheese curds, brie, fromage
blanc (609-219-0053)
Colonial Goat Dairy fresh goat cheese (717-768-7492)
Cowgirl Creamery fresh cow cheeses, fromage blanc,
clabbered cottage cheese (866-433-7834)
Cricket Creek Farm fresh and Berkshire bloom cheeses
Dutch Meadows Farm camembert cheese (717-442-9208)
Farm Fromage fresh cow, goat and sheep cheeses
Hawthorne Valley Farm quark, bianca and mayhill fresh
cow cheeses (518-672-7500)
Hidden Springs Creamery driftless fresh sheep cheeses
(except those with sugar) (608-606-3840)
Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese cheese curds, brie
Laurel Valley Creamery fresh cheeses (740-245-9044)