Page 12 - Spring2018
P. 12


         and this poison has affected (and still  practically everywhere I went how sick  obvious candidate is chemtrails. Ac-
         continues to do so) the veterans who  most of our trees and shrubs appeared,  cording to Dr. Russell Blaylock, these
         served in that “conflict” many years  especially oaks (our most common  chemtrails contain nano-sized alumi-
         ago. I saw many of these veterans dur-  tree), but other hardwoods too as well as  num that can travel through the nasal
         ing my thirty-two years as a volunteer at  softwoods—natives and ornamentals,  passages into the brain. As a botanist
         our local VA hospital, and even though  large and small, young and old.   and horticulturist, I know that high
         they are receiving medical care and     I have a college degree in botany  levels of aluminum are toxic to plants
         monthly taxpayer dollars to compensate  and horticulture and know how healthy  as well as humans.
         for their illnesses, their lives, and those  and unhealthy plants look, and am     I also called an Extension Service
         of their supportive families, have not  a “tree hugger” to boot who keeps a  (ES) agent; her explanation was that
         and will never be the same.        watch on the environment around me.  many pests and diseases have appeared
             Note: Many of these affected Viet  Last summer the oak leaves appeared  as a much delayed reaction to the 2016
         Nam veterans died years prior to the  shriveled although they were still green;  drought. The worst was Sudden Oak
         VA administration’s acknowledgment  and whereas these majestic tree cano-  Death because it attacks many different
         of the connection! Their families never  pies would normally form a solid cover  species and spreads rapidly.
         received a penny for their losses!   that time of year, they were actually     Then one morning, I heard on the
             My husband was not in the military  thin and sparse and you could easily  BBC a report that a fungal tree disease
         and there was no cancer in his family.  see much of the sky through them.  is an international crisis, and that it af-
         But. . . I have several neighbors who  Eventually these shriveled leaves began  fects more than two thousand different
         hire lawn care companies every spring,  to drop and dead branches protruded  species!
         in spite of the numerous cancers and  from the tops of many trees. Often as      This brings me back to chemtrails.
         deaths  in  our  small  neighborhood,  the top died, the lower trunk would  Even if you discount theories of deliber-
         including my now-deceased husband!  sprout with the new foliage causing the  ate spraying, we know that aluminum
         I am an organic Master Gardener and  periphery, and therefore the landscape,  oxide is added to jet fuel, so aluminum
         he was my helper. And my home sits in  to look green and healthy to the average  (and other toxins) from thousands of
         the middle of this cancer cluster! Are  person; although the shriveling seemed  planes is raining down on our forests
         my days numbered, no matter what I do  to continue down the trunk eventually   every day. The trees are telling us that
         to stay healthy?                   catching up with the new sprouts too,   it’s time to wake up!
             Can  your  organization  help  to  completely defoliating some throughout           Susan Ledbetter
         spread the word? I truly believe and  the season. The pine trees also have        Waverly, Alabama
         hope that you can!                 yellowing needles and large masses of
                          Susan Pennington  fungus growing on their trunks. An
                       Martinsville, Indiana  employee of the power company stated
                                            that this has been the worst year he’d
         An article on toxic lawn chemicals is  ever known for dead trees on the lines.
         planned for a future issue.           Although  we  did  have  a  rather
                                            severe drought in 2016, we also had a
         DYING TREES                        rather rainy year in 2017, and one would
             What is happening to our trees  have thought that our trees and shrubs   Gifts and bequests to the
         and shrubs? Last summer as I drove  would be recovering from that; but as   Weston A. Price Foundation
         around in about a hundred-mile radius  the summer progressed, so did the sick   will help ensure
         of where I live in central Alabama and  look in our trees and shrubs.       the gift of good health
         into Georgia, I couldn’t help but notice     So what is going on here? One   to future generations.

         10                                         Wise Traditions                               SPRING 2018
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