Page 9 - Spring2018
P. 9


            a gluten-free diet often have really high  was smart enough to look in my son’s  more tics and behaviors when kids are
            arsenic levels from their rice intake, but  mouth based on the fact that he had a  losing their teeth and the prime age that
            we weren’t heavy rice consumers. Soon  swollen lymph node on the side with the  kids lose their teeth is correlated with
            after  he  started  having  pronounced  painful neck. He told me that my boy  the onset of PANDAS. I am left grate-
            tics (motor and vocal) including loud  had a severely infected root canal and  ful beyond belief and curious about the
            barking. Things got worse; my school-  that was the source of the inflammation.  relationship between inflammation in
            loving kid became school-phobic, had  We had just gone to the pediatric dentist  the mouth as a trigger for tics.
            never-ending sinusitis (for a year), had  a few months prior and they said his x-     I am a special education teacher by
            intense neck pain, developed large, dark  rays looked fine. The next day, within  training and PANDAS is a very trou-
            circles under his eyes, stopped eating  ten minutes of our second opinion ap-  bling rising epidemic. I have to wonder
            most foods and became super picky  pointment with my dentist, my son’s  how many kids actually have this from
            about clothing textures, food, touch-  diagnostic x-ray showed a large and  infected root canals. The pediatric
            ing—everything sensory. Kisses were  severe abscess under the root canal that  dentist we went to gives them to very
            like punches to him, and he was rarely  he had at age two and one-half (yes, we  young kids all the time. Can you help
            happy.                             do brush well). My dentist said he had  me get out our story in some way?
                We saw lots of therapists, naturo-  probably had this infection for at least      Lendri Purcell, VP
            paths, Kaiser MDs and so many other  six months and probably longer. Appar-         Jonas Philanthropies
            specialists. After reading some infor-  ently, there is a really high fail rate for   Petaluma, California
            mation on your site, I insisted that he  root canals in kids, especially in young
            be tested for strep and, sure enough,  kids, and it’s not good practice to give  NO REASON FOR
            although he had no symptoms, he and  root canals to kids and hasn’t been for a  A SOY HEART HEALTH CLAIM
            his brother (the carrier) had strep. We  while. My dentist took out the infected     To WAPF members, I thought you
            treated the strep, and the tics and behav-  tooth on the spot. The roots were all  would be interested in the comments I
            iors improved a bit. We started to treat  decayed and mostly had eroded away.  submitted regarding FDA’s proposal to
            his leaky gut by avoiding certain foods,  Within three days, the year of mucous  rescind the soy heart health claim:
            using supplements and lots of bone  had ended and my kid could breathe     As a nutrition professional and
            broth and gelatin (Great Lakes makes  through his nose (he had a big scar  researcher, I know that soy is not heart
            third party-tested products for this) and  under his nose from blowing so often).  healthy and not healthy for any purpose.
            we were seeing more improvements.  Within a week the circles had faded  The claim was based on faulty studies
            The trouble was that the sinusitis kept  dramatically, and within a week and a  which are old and out of date. Conse-
            coming back and that would trigger  half the tics had vanished.       quentially the food chain was flooded
            more tics and odd behaviors.          A year later my kid is happy,  with GMO soybean oil (including soy-
                The diagnosis was PANDAS— Pe-  healthy and thriving with no symptoms  bean oil in infant formula).
            diatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric  and we are still on the low-gluten and     There is a direct correlation be-
            Disorders Associated with Streptococ-  low-dairy diet with a few supplements  tween soybean oil and obesity. Refined
            cal Infections. A PANDAS specialist,  and no need for specialists! My son has  soybean oil is not a natural product but
            Amy Joy Smith (she does phone con-  had two very short episodes of tics since  the result of heat and hexane, a seri-
            sults and is amazing) recommended  then (a few days) and both happened  ous toxin. Soybean oil is a use for the
            lots of supplements and local specialists  right before his front teeth fell out. After  mountains of soybeans that the Farm
            including a chiropractor who she said  giving him Motrin for the inflamma-  Bill supported in every farmer’s field.
            “saved her son’s life.” After so many  tion, the tics seemed to subside.   Farmers knew back to the 1940s that
            specialists, a PANDAS diagnosis and     It is interesting because on the  the way to fatten up the livestock was
            trying a ton of therapies, Larry Gold-  PANDAS Facebook support pages,  to give them soy products. Obesity is a
            smith, DC, in Sebastopol, California  parents often write about seeing many  risk factor in heart disease. Phytates in

            SPRING 2018                              Wise Traditions                                                   7
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