Page 5 - Spring2018
P. 5


            A WELL-DEVELOPED FACE              there would be more mass murders. Un-  horrific nonfoods that make up the
                Just thought I would let you know  fortunately, I was correct as yet another   standard American diet (SAD)—which
            that after listening to your talks at  young person has gone on the rampage,   is devoid of real vitamin B. Then there
            the 2017 Weston Price Conference, I  this time murdering seventeen innocent   is the medical profession that pro-
            have been noticing everyone’s facial  individuals at a Florida school. The   motes the lowfat, high-carbohydrate
            structure. On coming home today, my  blame game has started. And the only   diet—which is also devoid of most real
            husband was talking to a tradesman                                      vitamin B. And of course there is the
            who was working on my neighbor’s                                        pharmaceutical industry that owns
            block. I joined in the conversation                                     the medicines and promotes only
            and noticed his well-developed                                          drugs for mental health—despite
            middle third of the face and his                                        the fact that many psych drugs cause
            excellent tooth structure.                                              psychoses, suicides and violent
                I found out that his parents are                                    behavior.
            Estonian and that whilst he was                                           Of all the culprits, the processed
            born in Australia, he grew up on a                                      food industry is the major underly-
            traditional Estonian diet with lots of                                  ing cause of adolescent violence.
            meat, bone broths, liver, offal, cab-                                   The typical adolescent diet is filled
            bage stews and many different forms                                     with nonfoods, produced by these
            of fermented foods. He told me his                                      industries by the megaton. These
            mum always roasted meat and after                                       nonfoods are primarily carbohy-
            it was eaten, always boiled the bones                                   drates, most of which are refined,
            for use later. He was passionate                                        full of sugar and highly processed.
            about his traditional food and still                                    These nonfoods are nearly devoid of
            cooks it himself at age fifty-one. He also  thing worse than the blame game is the   real vitamin B and omega-3 fats—the
            showed me a photo of his four-year-old  fact that there will be still more mass   essential brain foods—and they make
            son who has the same well-developed  murders.                        up the staples of the adolescent diet.
            face.                                 Everyone is getting in on the blame      As youngsters become more and
                He now knows about Weston Price  game—the guns are the cause, bullying   more deeply confounded and sick from
            and the Foundation, and I also told him  is to blame, school leaders and school   their SAD and the B vitamin deficiency
            to phone his mum when he goes home  politicians are to blame, video games   it causes worsens, they begin to suffer
            and thank her. A modern-day proof of  and Hollywood are to blame, politi-  from B Complex Deficiency Syndrome
            your wise words and those of Weston  cians are to blame, parents fail their   (BCDS). This condition is nearly epi-
            Price!                             kids and are to blame, antidepressant   demic among adolescents as the youth
                                Rhonda Baker  drugs cause psychotic behavior and   population continues to gobble up soda,
                               Chapter Leader  are to blame, the FBI could not even   candy, pop-tarts, twinkies, cookies,
                     Milton/Ulladulla, Australia  connect the simple dots and they are to   doughnuts, bread, french fries, fast
                                               blame, local authorities who fail to take   foods and all kinds of other concoc-
            MASS MURDERS                       action when a young person continually   tions produced for profit with no (zero)
                Way back in August, 1987 I warned  sends warnings that he will murder are   consideration given to their effects on
            that there would be mass murders in  to blame, and on and on.        the adolescent brain. These nonfoods
            schools. Five years ago, after Connecti-     The people who are never blamed   are not only devoid of B vitamins, they
            cut, the movie theater in Colorado, and  are those in the processed food industry   make a B vitamin deficiency that al-
            Oregon mass murders, I warned that  that makes, sells and promotes their   ready exists in a youngster even worse.

            SPRING 2018                              Wise Traditions                                                   3
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