Page 23 - Fall2012
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sunshine to synthesize this vitamin depends on but no studies have yet shown it to be true. In a
where we live, our skin color, how much time One study thus far has demonstrated the
we spend outdoors, and the type of clothing we interaction between vitamins A and D in hu- growing child
wear. mans. In 1941, Irwin G. Spiesman published an imbalance
Vitamin K is found primarily in animal fats a trial showing that massive doses of vitamins in vitamins
and fermented foods. We can also synthesize A and D caused toxicity when either vitamin
vitamin K from the vitamin K found in leafy was provided alone and failed to protect against A, D and K
green vegetables, but this conversion seems to the common cold. When massive doses of both favor
be very inefficient in humans. To a certain extent vitamins were provided together, by contrast, premature
vitamin K can also substitute for vitamin K , they failed to induce any toxicity and offered
but this substitution is limited because our bod- powerful protection against the common cold. 18 calcification
ies distribute vitamin K primarily to the liver Some authors have argued that a second study of growth
and vitamin K primarily to other tissues. The published in 2001 showed antagonism between plates and
specific form of vitamin K found in animal fat, the two vitamins. This study, however, did not
moreover, has unique functions that are shared show a true interaction. Vitamin A decreased prevent the
neither by the forms of vitamin K found in fer- blood levels of calcium by 1.0 percent when child from
mented plant foods nor by the vitamin K found given alone, and by 1.4 percent when given in reaching full
in leafy greens. As shown in Figure 3, toxic- combination with the hormone form of vitamin
ity results when the supply of these vitamins is D. The authors did not measure blood levels of potential for
thrown off balance. When vitamins A, D, and phosphorus, and failed to show that vitamin A growth.
K are all available in rich supply, by contrast, did anything different in the presence of vitamin
as shown in Figure 4, they cooperate to promote D than in its absence.
growth, to nourish strong bones and teeth, and Recent evidence from experiments per-
to prevent the calcification of soft tissues. formed on isolated cells suggests that vitamins
When large imbalances between vitamins A and D may synergistically suppress the devel-
A and D favor vitamin A, phosphorus accumu- opment of autoimmune diseases and perhaps
lates at the expense of calcium, promoting bone even cure diabetes by causing the regeneration of
loss. Vitamin A may also overwhelm the stor- pancreatic stem cells. Forming any conclusions
age capacity of the liver under these conditions, from these studies would be premature, however,
contributing to liver damage. When the imbal- since we need to follow them up with nutritional
ance favors vitamin D, calcium accumulates studies in humans or live animals.
in soft tissues, leading to stones in the kidney Altogether, the available evidence supports
and bladder, and calcification of the blood ves- the rich provision of vitamins A, D, and K to-
sels and aortal valves. In a growing child, this gether by consuming organ meats, animal fats,
imbalance would be likely to favor premature fermented foods, fatty fish, cod liver oil, and
calcification of the growth plates, thereby pre- colorful vegetables, while spending plenty of
venting the child from reaching his or her full time outdoors. Obtaining a rich supply of these
potential for growth. This aberrant pattern of vitamins together allows each of them to carry
calcification occurs at least in part because the out its biological functions safely and effectively.
imbalance contributes to the overproduction of
vitamin K-dependent proteins in great excess of MAGNESIUM: THE UNIVERSAL METAL
the capacity for vitamin K to activate them. 17 Some nutrients play so many roles in the
These include proteins that direct calcium to our body that literally everything depends on them.
bones and teeth and away from our soft tissues. One such nutrient is magnesium. Magnesium
Since vitamin K fails to activate these proteins, is abundant in many whole grains, nuts, seeds,
the proteins in turn fail to ensure the adequate legumes and vegetables, some fruit, and some
nourishment of our bones and teeth and fail to seafood. It is less abundant in meat, by contrast,
protect our soft tissues. One remaining question and almost entirely absent from refined grains
is whether vitamin K protects against vitamin D and sugar (Table 6). Modern diets rich in refined
toxicity just as vitamin A does. This seems likely, grains and sugar thus provide far less magnesium
Wise Traditions FALL 2012 FALL 2012 Wise Traditions 23
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