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WiseTraditions 2012

                                                      ThirTeenTh AnnuAl inTernATionAl ConferenCe of The

                                                 Weston a. price foundation                                           ®

                                       nUtRition And BEHAVioR

                                       Thursday, November 8 – Monday, November 12
                                   Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California

                                AmERicA’S PREmiER nUtRition conFEREncE

                                          Life-changing Lectures • Cooking Lessons • Networking
                            Traditional Nutrient-Dense Meals • WAPF-Friendly Vendors • Wise Kids Child Care

                                            For anyone interested in health, nutrition and food,
                                           including parents, health professionals, young and old

                M. Kat Anderson, author of Tending the Wild            Chris Kresser, LAc, the Personal Paleo Code
                Peter Ballerstedt, PhD, pasture expert                 Pam Killeen, author of Addiction: The Hidden Epidemic
                Scott Bevins of                             Andrea Malmberg, the Allan Savory Institute
                Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)                 Greg Massa, Massa Organic Farms
                Gianaclis Caldwell, author of Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking  Chris Masterjohn, expert on fat-soluble vitamins
                Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome  Mark McAfee, CEO, Organic Pastures Dairy
                Tom Cowan, MD, author of The Fourfold Path to Healing  Holly McClenahan, bioresonance expert
                Hannah Crum, Kombucha Mamma of Kombucha Kamp           Judith McGeary, Esq., president Farm and Ranch Freedom Association
                Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story      Ann Marie Michaels, social media expert
                Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, author of Magnesium Miracle      Ruth Mueller, expert on NAET
                Sally Fallon Morell, MA author of Nourishing Traditions  Ananda S. Prasad, MD, PhD, MACN
                Bruce Fife, ND, author of The Coconut Oil Miracle      Jessica Prentice, author of Full Moon Feast
                Monica Ford,                       Julia Ross, MA, author of The Diet Cure
                Steven Fowkes, Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute  Beverly Rubik, PhD, expert in dark field microscopy
                Esther Gokhale, LAc, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back  Kim Schuette on GAPS and mental health
                Deborah Gordon, MD,                Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on sulphur and vitamin D
                Nancy Herrick, PA, DH (hon),       Lauren & Brandon Sheard, the
                Jennifer House, practicing ethnobotanist               Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception
                Don Huber, PhD, GMO expert                             Tara Smith, Tara Firma Farms
                Anore Jones, author of The Fish We Eat                 Jerry Tennant, MD, author of Healing Chronic Pain
                Rachel Kaplan, author of The Urban Homesteader         Kim Thompson, movement instructor
                Sandor Katz, author of Wild Fermentation               Theresa Vernon, LAc, expert on minerals in the body
                Chris Kerston, Chaffin Family Orchards                 Tamara Wilder,
                Kathy Kramer, CN, Executive Director, WAPF
                                      LocAtion And AccommodAtion

                                       The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara Hotel
                          For special conference rate of $125, plus applicable taxes and fees, available until October 26, 2012
                     Complimentary self parking • Phone (888) 421-1442 or reserve online at

                     SAVE UP to $50 in conFEREncE FEES iF YoU REGiStER BY octoBER 15!
                           Children’s Program • Monday Farm Tour • Continuing Education Units for Some Health Professions
                              For more information, call (304) 724-3006 or visit

                     SPEciAL PRE-conFEREncE EVEnt: Farm-to-consumer Legal defense FundRAiSER
                 Join your friends and start the conference on a festive note!
                 Event includes Reception, Dinner, Dance and Inspiring Speakers
                 Thursday, November 8, 2012, 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
                 Buy tickets - Adults $75 & Children $45 - on the conference reg form.
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                           27

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