Page 29 - Fall2012
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                tHURSdAY, noVEmBER 8 and mondAY, noVEmBER 12 see boxes below

                FRidAY, noVEmBER 9
                    ALL-DAY WORKSHOPS
                       Nourishing Traditional Diets, Sally Fallon Morell, MA
                       Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
                       Nutrition and Behavior, Julia Ross, MA
                       Science of Farming, Rachel Kaplan and Peter Ballerstedt, PhD
                       Food Preparation, Sandor Katz, Lauren & Brandon Sheard and Hannah Crum
                    EVENING ACTIVITIES
                       Treating Diabetes, Nancy Herrick, PA, DH, and Deborah Gordon, MD
                       Farm and Food Activism, Judith McGeary, Esq           tHURSdAY, noVEmBER 8
                       The Decline of Pasteurization & Rise of RAW, Mark McAfee     Chapter Leaders Meeting 10-4
                       GMO Dangers, Don Huber, PhD                                  featuring Michael Schmidt
                       Film: American Meat                                          and other raw milk speakers

                SAtURdAY, noVEmBER 10                                            Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER*
                    PLENARY SESSION, NUTRITION AND BEHAVIOR                         Dinner & Dance 6:30 - 10:30
                       Nutrition and Behavior, Chris Masterjohn
                       Mercury, Glutathione and Alzheimer's, Steven Fowkes   *    Additional fees apply.
                       The Gut, Brain and Skin Connection, Chris Kresser, LAc
                       Alzheimer's and Coconut Oil, Bruce Fife, ND

                    WELLNESS TRACK                                           FRidAY, SAtURdAY & SUndAY
                       Treating Mineral Imbalances, Theresa Vernon, LAc          Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense FundRAISER
                       Healing Chronic Pain, Jerry Tennant, MD                      Breakfasts *
                    LOCAL  FARMING TRACK                                     *    Additional fees apply.
                       Tara Firma Farms, Tara Smith
                       Chaffin Family Orchards, Chris Kerston
                       Organic Pastures Dairy, Mark McAfee                   mondAY, noVEmBER 12
                    EVENING AWARDS BANQUET                                       Farm Tour with Kathy Kramer, CN*
                       Keynote Address by Andrea Malmberg, Allan Savory Institute     Posture and Movement with
                                                                                    Esther Gokhale, LAc and Kim Thompson*
                SUndAY, noVEmBER 11                                              Nutrition Topics with Stephanie Seneff, PhD*
                    TRACK I: THE FRONTIERS OF SCIENCE                            Seven Days of Dinner with Jessica Prentice*
                       Dark Field Microscopy, Beverly Rubik, PhD
                       The Threefold Man and the Fourfold Man, Tom Cowan, MD    *   Additional fees apply.
                       Muscle Testing, Biocom, Holly McClenahan                  Space is extremely limited so be sure
                       NAET, Ruth Mueller                                        to secure your space today.
                       Gut, Mind and Homeopathy, Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA)
                       How to Fix a Broken Brain, Pam Killeen
                       Treating ADD/ADHD, Kaayla Daniel, PhD
                       Treating Schizophrenia and related conditions with the GAPS diet, Kim Schuette
                    TRACK III: NATIVE WAYS
                       Traditional Posture and Movement, Esther Gokhale, L Ac
                       Tending the Wild, Kat Anderson and Jennifer House (will not be recorded)
                       The Plants We Eat, Anore Jones
                       Indigenous Ways, Tamara Wilder
                    TRACK IV: WISE ENTREPRENEURS
                       Fermented Foods Business, Monica Ford
             , Scott Bevins
                       Marketing with Facebook and Blogs, Ann Marie Michaels and panel
                       Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking, Gianaclis Caldwell
                    TRACK V: NUTRITION
                       Nutritional Adjuncts of the Fat-Soluble Vitamins, Chris Masterjohn
                       Zinc Deficiency, Ananda S. Prasad, MD, PhD, MACN
                       Taurine, Stephanie Seneff, PhD
                       Magnesium Miracle, Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
                    CLOSING CEREMONY: Jeffrey Smith

 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012    FALL 2012                  Wise Traditions                                           29

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