Page 18 - Fall2012
P. 18


                    Food                    Folate (µg/100 g)      Food                    Folate (µg/100 g)
                    Duck Liver              738                    Asparagus               191
                    Cowpeas                 633                    Collard Greens          166
                    Chicken Liver           588                    Egg Yolk                146
                    Dried Agar Seaweed      580                     Sesame Seeds           97
                    Lentils                 479                     Fish Roe               80
                    Lamb Liver              400                     Mussels                76
                    Kidney Beans            394                     Broccoli               63
                    Chicken Giblets         379                     Whole Egg              47
                    Leeks                   366                     Kale                   29
                    Calf Liver              350                     Salmon                 29
                    Beef Liver              290                     Clams                  29
                    Peas                    274                     Pumpkin, Squash Seeds  6
                    Sunflower Seeds         238                     Hamburger              6
                    Spinach                 194                     Chicken Breast         4

                       Folate is especially abundant in liver and legumes, with moderate amounts in egg yolks, some seeds, some
                   seafood, and some leafy greens, but very little in muscle meats. Folate content tends to be widely variable within
                   a food group, and only a small selection of foods is reported in the table above.

                                                    Figures 2A and 2B: (Opposite Page)
                     We obtain methionine from most dietary proteins, but primarily from muscle meats. We use it to build our own
                 proteins, but also for two other important processes: methylation and the synthesis of glutathione. Of these, methylation
                 takes priority. Methylation is the addition of one-carbon units to a wide variety of molecules, which aids in the synthesis
                 of many cellular components and in the regulation of gene expression.
                     When cellular concentrations of methionine are insufficient or just barely sufficient to meet the demand for meth-
                 ylation, the pathways shown in panel A predominate. During each methylation reaction, methionine is converted to
                 homocysteine, which is potentially toxic. Folate and vitamin B  help recycle homocysteine to regenerate methionine,
                 which allows methylation to continue and prevents homocysteine from accumulating to toxic levels. Although not shown
                 in panel A, niacin, riboflavin and vitamin B  also assist in this process.
                     When the supply of methionine exceeds that needed for methylation, the excess is metabolized mainly in the liver
                 and the pathways shown in panel B predominate. Glycine accepts the extra methyl groups, while choline and betaine
                 recycle part of the extra homocysteine. These processes all result in the accumulation of dimethylglycine, part of which
                 is lost in the urine. Vitamin B  and glycine assist in the conversion of part of the extra homocysteine to cysteine and
                 then to glutathione, which is the master antioxidant and detoxifier of the cell, and a key regulator of protein function.
                     When the flux through this latter pathway exceeds the capacity for glutathione synthesis, the excess cysteine is
                 converted to taurine and sulfate. Thus, B vitamins, choline, betaine and glycine all cooperate with methionine to al-
                 low optimal methylation and synthesis of glutathione. When methionine is provided in the absence of these partners,
                 methylation and glutathione synthesis fall by the wayside and homocysteine accumulates to potentially toxic levels. It
                 may also be the case that if only glycine is limiting, the capacity to absorb extra methyl groups diminishes and rogue
                 methylations occur.

               18                                         Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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