Page 13 - Fall2012
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

                aspx). So rather than spend a lot of money on probiotic pills,  team will soon be testing sourdough whole grain bread (www.
                why not enjoy delicious lacto-fermented condiments daily, at
                a fraction of the cost.
                                                                     COCONUT OIL VINDICATED
                MORE WOES FROM GMOS                                  Scientists in Brazil looked at the effects of coconut oil on waist
                Scientists from Russia have discovered that hamsters fed  circumference in women with abdominal obesity, that is, with
                GMO soybeans as part of their normal diet eventually develop  waist sizes greater than forty inches. The randomized, double-
                infertility. An Austrian study found similar harm in mice that  blind, clinical trial involved forty women aged twenty to forty
                consumed GM corn. Farmers across the U.S. have reported  years. Groups received two tablespoons of either soybean oil
                infertility among pigs and cows that consume GM feed. And  or coconut oil over a twelve-week period. The subjects were
                in India, a research team observed infertility and other seri-  instructed to follow a "balanced" low-calorie diet and to walk
                ous problems among buffalo fed GM cottonseed (Naturalnew.  for fifty minutes per day. Calorie intake and carbohydrate
                com, August 6, 2012). Now another problem with a GM crop  intake in both groups diminished over the trial whereas the
                has emerged. Corn modified to stand tall and tough against  consumption of protein and fiber increased; fat consumption
                pests is wreaking havoc on tractor tires. The leftover stubs in  remained unchanged. At the start of the trial, there were no
                the fields are like little spears, so tough that they can puncture  differences in biochemical or anthropometric characteristics
                thick rubber. Tractor tires can cost thousands of dollars, and  between the groups, but by the end of the trial, the coconut
                some tractors have as many as eight tires. Instead of tractor  group had higher HDL levels and a lower LDL-HDL ratio.
                tires lasting the usual five or six years, they’re getting chewed  Both groups lost weight but only the coconut users exhibited a
                up after just one or two. Some farmers are turning to Kevlar  reduction in waist circumference. The researchers concluded,
                tires, which can only add to their costs.            "It appears that dietetic supplementation with coconut oil does
                                                                     not cause dyslipidemia and seems to promote a reduction in
                HEALTH BENEFITS FROM SOURDOUGH                       abdominal obesity" (Lipids 2009 Jul;44(7):593-601).
                Researchers at the University of Guelph tested four types of
                bread to ascertain the effects on blood sugar levels. Using  SKIN DAMAGE WITH ENERGY-EFFICIENT BULBS
                white, whole wheat, whole wheat with barley and sourdough  The hype on energy efficient, "curly" fluorescent light bulbs,
                white breads, the team of researchers examined how subjects  which fit into an incandescent light bulb socket, is fading.
                responded hours after eating the bread for breakfast and again  Once slated to completely replace incandescent bulbs, a
                just hours after eating a standard lunch. The subjects, who  planned phase out on old fashioned light bulbs was postponed
                were overweight and ranged between fifty and sixty years of  due to impassioned testimony from individuals highly sensi-
                age, showed the most positive blood sugar responses after  tive to fluorescent lights. Now new research funded by the
                eating sourdough white bread. With the sourdough, the sub-  National Science Foundation has scientists warning consum-
                ject’s blood sugar levels were lower for a similar rise in blood
                insulin, and the positive effect remained during and after the   FOR SCIENTISTS AND LAY READERS
                second meal. What’s really interesting about this study is that      Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
                the whole wheat breads—supposedly full of fiber that controls   Foundation is to provide important information about
                blood sugar levels—had the worst effects, causing blood sugar   diet and health to both scientists and the lay public. For
                levels to spike, and these high levels lasted until well after   this reason, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are
                lunch. Professor Terry Graham, head of the study, suggested   necessarily technical. It is very important for us to describe
                                                                       the science that supports the legitimacy of our dietary
                that the poor response from the whole wheat bread was due   principles. In articles aimed at scientists and practitioners,
                to the milling process; but an equally likely explanation is   we provide a summary of the main points and also put
                the many anti-nutrients in whole grains that cause a stressful   the most technical information in sidebars. These articles
                rise in blood sugar. These irritating and difficult-to-digest   are balanced by others that provide practical advice to
                compounds are neutralized by the sourdough process. The   our lay readers.
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                           13

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