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               schooling mother of two (twelve and   ing like us) remind me that a mother’s  A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE
               three years old). My husband and I have   work is about more than just her family.     I am writing about a personal ex-
               a herdshare in Sonoma County, Cali-     One thing we have realized since  perience in case it might be of value to
               fornia. The purpose of my letter is to   starting our herd share is that almost  another truth and health seeker. About
               express my deep gratitude for the work   everyone, no matter what age, has some  eight years ago I was diagnosed with
               of the Weston A. Price Foundation.  type of illness or pain. What helps me  fairly aggressive prostate cancer and of
                   Many years ago my husband and I   get out of bed at four thirty in the morn-  course was offered the three big solu-
               realized we had a mutual dream of hav-  ing to start working is their gratitude; it  tions—cut, poison and burn. Rejecting
               ing a family cow. We imagined that it   helps me remember that my work is not  that approach, I decided to put to the
               would be when we were much older and   about me. It is about the co-owners and  test my belief that my marvelous body
               retired. Three years ago my husband lost   helping them and their families have a  would heal itself if given the right tools
               his job and we decided to see whether   higher quality of life.        of nutrition, attitude, lifestyle, etc.
               we could make our dream a reality.      Just as doing this work for the herd     Eventually it became clear to me
                   We are also extremely grateful for   shares in California is not about us and  that Weston Price had it right, so I em-
               the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense   our herd share but for the benefit of all  barked on that nutritional path, which
               Fund. The advice from Pete Kennedy   Californians.                     incidentally was pretty much the path
               and Tim Wightman has been invaluable.                 Jenny Kilpatrick  of my family and ancestors, descendants
               It was the existence of FTCLDF that          Sonoma County, California  of the highland Scotch. At that time and
               gave us the confidence to go ahead and                                 even to this day I have not seen much
               try the scary business of herd sharing.                                support for this approach as a viable way
               (I have to say that I never realized how     ODE TO TOFU               to treat cancer.
               much I would love it and what hard work                                   I can only say that it worked for me.
               it would be!)                       The gentle cows upon our plains    After eight years and at age eighty-two
                   We are also grateful for all your   Who feed upon the grass,       I am a vigorous and happy camper with
               nutrition information, to which we were   And then, in turn, expel methane  no sign of cancer.
               introduced seven years ago. We were   In manner somewhat crass,                         Duane M. Johnson
                                                   Are being blamed for making
               introduced to this nutritional knowledge   Our atmosphere less dense.                  Lafayette, Colorado
               before our daughter was conceived; ev-  They say someday we'll die because
               ery single one of her seven cousins has   Of bovine flatulence.
               one or more major health issues, and she   Does the answer lie in planting
               has absolutely none.                Our range lands all to soy?
                   Here in California we are fighting   If we abstain from eating beef
               for the right to have herd shares—this   Will life be filled with joy?
               work is very draining. All I want to do   Let's not accept this premise       ONE HALF MILLION!
                                                   'Til we check behind the scenes,
               is milk cows and tend to my family. But   Just how much gas will people pass  That’s the number of informational
               the WAPF women, Yannick Phillips and   When they're only eating beans?  brochures we have printed since the
               other herdshare farming women (many                Elizabeth Elbert     Weston  A.  Price  Foundation  was
               with multiple children and homeschool-                                  founded in 1999. These brochures
                                                   South Dakota native Elizabeth Elbert   have helped educate thousands and
                      Gifts and bequests to the    has received many awards for her po-  have served as our number-one mem-
                    Weston A. Price Foundation     etry.  Visit her website at http://www.  bership tool. To order brochures to
                will help ensure the gift of good health  give to family, friends and colleagues,
                       to future generations.      htm.                                visit

               10                                         Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2012                   FALL 2012                                  Wise Traditions

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