Page 11 - Fall2012
P. 11

Caustic Commentary

                                            Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats

                EGG BEATERS                                          top consumers were eating an average of two-thirds of an egg
                News of a study linking egg yolk consumption with heart dis-  per day, which provides less than a teaspoon of fat, most of it
                ease hit the Internet and print media August 13, with sixty-five   supposedly heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. We challenge
                articles posted within a day of release, and over one hundred   researchers like Dr. Spence to look at the heart health and
                fifty articles by the time the egg bashing had played itself out.   overall health of those who make a point of eating at least
                “Newly published research led by Dr. David Spence shows   two egg yolks per day—along with bacon and butter as part
                that eating egg yolks accelerates atherosclerosis in a manner   of a good breakfast. For more information, see blogs by Chris
                similar to smoking cigarettes,” was the lead sentence in the ar-  Masterjohn ( ) and
                ticles. Turns out this study, published in Atherosclerosis (2012   Zoe Harcombe (
                Aug 1 [Epub ahead of print]) is one of the worst examples of   consumption-carotid-plaque-bad-science/).
                junk science we’ve seen, carried out by doctors with ties to
                Pfizer Canada, AstraZeneca                                                         BUTTER COMEBACK
                Canada and Merck Frosst                                                            Speaking of butter, this
                Canada. Patients coming                                                            natural fat is making a
                into the authors’ Canadian                                                         comeback with consum-
                clinic with a recent stroke                                                        ers. Butter sales at gro-
                and transient ischemic at-                                                         cery stores increased by
                tack were given a dietary                                                          more than 2 percent in the
                recall questionnaire, from                                                         year ending May 13, while
                which the staff estimated                                                          margarine sales decreased
                their “egg-yolk years,” the                                                        more than 6 percent, while
                number of egg yolks eaten                                                          olive oil sales remained
                multiplied over the number                                                         steady. Overall butter led
                of years. Not surprisingly,                                                        with $1.5 billion in sales
                they found that older patients                                                     during the period com-
                had more “egg-yolk years”                                                          pared to $1.4 billion for
                than younger patients be-                                                          margarine and spreads
                cause they were. . . well. . . older. To be fair, the analysis was   and $706 million for olive oil (, August 16,
                adjusted for age, but as author Zoe Harcombe points out in   2012). Since this is not the healthy direction the food industry
                her blog on the study “the authors could have picked broc-  (not to mention the health care industry) wants us to go, look
                coli and measured broccoli years and the top quintile group   for a major study bashing butter some time soon. By the way,
                of seventy-year-olds would have had fourteen years more   a new website,, helps consumers
                broccoli consumption than the fifty-six-year-olds.” Oddly, the   know the difference between harmful industrial trans fats
                team fingered egg yolks when they were really asking about   and beneficial natural trans fats found in butter and meat fats.
                whole egg consumption, reporting “eggs” as “egg yolks,”
                presumably because we already “know” that there’s nothing   A PERFECT FAKE OUT?
                wrong with egg whites. Of interest is the fact that the team   “It has a plumpness to it, what they call a ‘mouthfeel,’ like a
                found no correlation between egg consumption and choles-  kind of fattiness,” muses Bix Stone, one of the founders of
                terol or triglyceride levels. Nor did they find an association   Twitter, who is a vegan. “When you eat other leading meat
                with frequency of egg intake. This means that the association   analogues they’re delicious, but you kind of know they’re not
                was driven primarily by the “number of years consumed” for   real. They’re missing something that’s hard to identify. This
                eggs, after adjusting for age. Another point: the actual egg   has a very realistic, meaty, delicious quality.” Farhad Manjoo
                consumption for all the men was less than one per day—the   of the Washington Post coos: “. . . I’ve never tasted anything
 Wise Traditions   FALL 2012  FALL 2012                    Wise Traditions                                           11

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